
Everybody, listen: the Oscars is an awards ceremony assembled by an organisation that was founded to limit the influence of labor unions. This awards program was just a project to shore up legitimacy and, indeed, to monopolize “legitimacy”. The Academy remains anti-labor, it remains anti-regulation, and frankly it’s

Imagine having the fucking gall to call yourself an anarchist while also going out of your way to be an abortion cop.

This whole controversy is so wild to me, like I can’t imagine a dude getting slapped for running his mouth like that being referred to as “a deeply shocking, traumatic event” lmao where I come from we call that “Friday night”

They make them turn in their prop badge and gun.  

His career is back on track in the sense that he still does comedy shows for right wing nutjobs like you, but that vast majority of his former audience will never support him again and he’ll never get another tv show produced.

Did you rape someone in your music video? If not, maybe shut the fuck up

you’re a gross person.

Through his teen years and rise of his career Noah’s mother was being victimized by his stepfather with all the “well what were YOU doing” that takes place in those situations. Penultimate incident involved her getting shot in the head, luckily she survived it. The last part of the 10 minute segment was him explaining

You are right we are all dopes and morons for commenting on this. I’ll say this, I’m not on team Pete or Kayne...I’m on team Kim, words I’ve never thought I’d say. What Kayne is doing is textbook abusive behavior. Kim is 100% the victim here. Kayne is putting her and her family in a dangerous spot; either from fans or

I used to manage a pet store in Huntington, LI. Billy Joel’s mother used to come in all the time. She had cats. She also loved ducks. She was sweet, but eccentric. She always wore clothes with ducks on them. When it rained, she would wear a raincoat and hat that were covered in ducks along with a duck covered

It’s great to see him alienating his fans so hard, because the sooner they cease giving him the oxygen of adulation the sooner the rest of us can cease giving him the oxygen of attention.

Fuck your hot take, asshole.

Really, the Oscars just needs to be a quick roundup. Announce the winners in each category, then a quick recap of who’s a lifetime achiever, who’s died in the last year, and who’s been credibly accused of horrific sexual violence.

Hooray.  Now if only someone would do the same for The AvClub.

Can you sum that up in a way that doesn’t hurt to read?

So this is pretty scummy, huh?

I remember watching Ghost World and thinking it was weird how within the movie guys don’t seem to notice or hit on Enid as much as Rebecca. I had started crushing on Thora Birch in American Beauty, and the Enid character and look increased that exponentially. “Why is everyone supposed to be more interested in her

“What’s going on in her personal life is none of our damn business”

let her do whatever she wants!

it’s because the conservative racist white folks are winning the propaganda war. That’s how it is.
They’re very good at convincing the masses that what is good, is bad, and anything like it is bad. See “CRT”. Previously neutral average white parents who were ok with what they often called “diversity studies” in k-12