
ok Andrew

Whole bunch of trash rappers mad that Megan spits better than they do.

Didn’t know the cast of Titanic like to get Wet

Fuck off

The biggest issue I have with your characterization in the final paragraph is it entirely relies on making a lot of groundless assumptions about Rowling being “this” close to “getting” it and it simply being an issue of persistent misunderstanding. In the same breath you paint her critics as monolithic and lacking the

It’s funny how they all act like they’re pro-life, yet they really don’t give a shit about life.

They’ll complain they can’t relate to someone who has sex.

Do you have this same criticism of John Oliver?

It’s worth repeating every time. . . .

when you are dealing with someone you don’t know their gender you in the habit of writing “he or her” all the time or just say “they did..” or “they are..”?

has telling a large batch of people ‘just stop it’ ever get results? XD

On an intellectual level I understand why that isn’t done more, but damn do I wish studios would take chances like that. Take something that has a solid core but fell down somewhere like execution, casting, timing, whatever, and try to do that core justice.

Sesame Street points out that monsters are fine and good.

Yeah, I reread that bit trying to figure out what I was missing that makes sense of that. It doesn’t matter how much ‘social power’ someone has if they DM you, because it’s not public unless you make it so. If Billie Eilish slid into my DMs to call me an asshole, I’d be alarmed and confused, but it wouldn’t have the

Exactly. FF was about a family of superheroes. The Xmen were an allegory for both jews, and those oppressed by society with Xavier and Magneto as opposing views on how to deal with that oppression. Spiderman was worrying about girl problems, his elderly aunt’s health, and keeping a job/paying his bills/not failing out

Superman generally bores me, but I’d watch the hell out of  a movie done in a retro-futurist, Fleischer Animation style, set in the late 1930s, when Superman battled the real villains: evil greedy businessmen who exploited and endangered their workers for profit.

Between the proliferation of costly streaming services, almost all of which have at least one or two “must-see” shows, and the reality that subscribing to any one service doesn’t guarantee you’ll actually get to watch the things you signed up for depending on the whims of the corporate overlords, I imagine a whole lot

They better not cancel Peacemaker, Harley Quinn or Doom Patrol.

Has anyone ever been funny for 2 years and then sucked for 20 while still holding the reputation for being a good comedian?

Jesus, he’s now doing a “gay disease” bit? Old Dave keeps getting worse. The man is truly punching down behind a wall of blind fans while playing victim.

Man he is really just double and tripling down on this shit, huh? What a loser. Man i used to respect the hell out of him. What a difference millions of money and 2 decades makes.