
I heard wearing a t-shirt that says “cum dumpster” will keep the proceedings short.

Is Dave Chapelle the only comedian you’ve ever seen or heard? Because there are lots and lots and lots of very funny people who manage to do entire standup routines without once saying using “I agree with bigots trying to subjugate a marginalized group of people” as the premise of at least one section of every special

Oh, are we discussing scientific facts?

Not all conservatives are anti-trans in their day to day actions, but all conservatives vote for politicians that are anti-LGBTQ in their legislation. You can argue all you want about how you’re not personally discriminating against people, but you are actively supporting politicians that literally create

Shut the fuck up chud

I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I believe Miller goes by they/them, not he/him. I agree Miller seems like a “public weirdo” (or worse), but I imagine most trans people appreciate using the “correct” pronouns.

You can either heal from trauma or constantly try to win the trauma Olympics where no one else’s experiences matter because yours were worse. He never once compared wearing a dress to violent murder.

And attacking pronouns is a very common way of going after trans people. You can’t make a “play on pronouns” and then pretend that doesn’t connect directly to the rights of trans people (and nonbinary people, and queer people in general.)

Not all the time, but a surprisingly high percentage of the time, yes.

You know at this point, we probably should just hit them all right?  Burn the whole thing down and rebuild it better, or at least not so shitty

I’ve come to hate these motherfuckers. I suppose there are a few good ones, but by and large they’re only in it for themselves and their pockets and what they perceive as power. And every single one who takes money from the NRA has the blood of children on their hands.

One argument is they’re cowards, sure. Most seem to be afraid of darker complexions in general, from unarmed grandmothers in their cars to young teens walking down the street breaking no laws, so a heavily armed scumbag would certainly have them shitting their pants. Why wouldn’t they sit outside the school acting

That’s weird, locked doors didn’t seem to be too much of a problem when police murdered Amir Locke and Breonna Taylor…

It’s like an emotionally abusive relationship where every time you think you expect the worst from them, they find another low. 

At this point I’m waiting for it to come out that the border patrol cops there were taking the opportunity to check the parents’ papers

I cannot fathom how they’re still saying they don’t know how long he was in the school. Like, he was chased by cops and shot at least one on his way in, right? Surely those cops did their little cop thing and radioed “shots fired,” “officer down,” “need a medic,” that sort of thing. Whatever time those calls went out?

I dunno. I kinda imagine it’d smell like bacon.

Every single cop in America could burn to death slowly and I would bring the marshmallows.

Yet another incident added to the long list of incidents that beg the question “what is the point of the police?” 

i am staunchly ACAB but even this is surprising to me somehow. f the police.