
[screw Kinja for still having this comment system so broken that I can always see grey comments in my notifications but can never actually respond to them or access them in the comment section... now that that’s out of the way]:

Darkhearts said (or at least the portion Kinja lets me read says): “Dave is not punching

And I fucking hate contrarians thinking that they’re intelligent when all it is is saying the opposite of what others are saying.  There’s nothing edgy about it, it’s not a sign of deep thought, it’s just annoying as fuck.  

If you have a Netflix account please cancel it, even for just a month, and when it asks you why then cite Chappelle and the corporate response. 

I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

Funny how we laugh at white people who say “but some of my best friends are black.” Dave Chappelle spends a huge hunk of his special saying essentiallybut some of my best friends are trans” and it’s supposed to make everything OK.

Tell me you're a Grand Dragon without telling me you're a Grand Dragon.

Performed for who? We’re anonymous screen names on a pop culture website.

Yes, I too wonder which position I'm clearly taking by using troll language I will take. It's just not clear to my poorly constructed sarcasm which bias I will be indulging. I am a very clever person.

Yep. He very clearly is upset that trans concerns take up any space in cultural conversation where race concerns also exist.

so many words to excuse transphobia, do you actually not understand how spreading hate speech and then people acting on that hate speech are linked?


Let me preface this by saying that I’m nonbinary. I realized that about a year or two ago. (I have an atrocious memory. I sometimes see trans people who know their coming out day by heart, but me? Dumber than a bowl o’ mice.)

honey that was a lot of words for you to inform us that you have no idea how transphobia manifests. it’s tolerated because jokes are made that constantly dehumanize trans people. those that enact violence on trans people are doing so because they have been conditioned to believe remarks, comments, jokes and snark about

I think he also got owned and out-funnied by so many trans comedians with his last special that he thought this time he’s got them. but he failed, and you stop being funny the moment you stop evolving and making actual clever and true observations.

I’m pretty sure Black trans women are the most likely to be victims of hate crimes, have the lowest life expectancy of anyone in the LGBTQ community, and bear the brunt of the most hatred in society. The idea that part of humanity that’s Black is diametrically opposed to and oppressed by the part of humanity that’s

Plenty of his detractors have watched it, and our general takeaway is that it’s a big fat “I had a [minority] friend” capper to justify all the horrible shit leading up to it.

I don’t get the whole idea of people in marginalized groups taking offense at other marginalized groups fighting for their rights.

I don’t get the whole idea of people in marginalized groups taking offense at other marginalized groups fighting for their rights. I’m formerly homeless and worked to get hate crimes against people experiencing homelessness recognized as such here in DC. When I testified on the matter, I was paired with someone from

Chappelle is the MOST thin-skinned. Every time he does this, when there’s a public backlash he throws a huge tantrum about how he’s not allowed to say what he wants, as if what he wants to say isn’t being globally broadcast.

His point boils down to “if something doesn’t actively impact me, Dave Chappelle, or the communities and institutions that I am a part of, then it is of lesser concern and is free to be openly mocked or disregarded.” He has no idea what other movements are or are not doing, and he has no idea what other communities do