
see these are the kinds of ‘cancel culture’ comments i don’t get.

Gotta be honest, not super clear on what point you’re trying to make. 

Not holding my breath for a Will Sinkevwitch endorsement either.

But we can all agree Fred is bi, right? 

The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so

Then use this list to your advantage and watch something outside of your box. I haven't heard of a lot of these films either but I'm not offended by it.

you’ve never heard of quentin tarantino or martin scorsese?

That’s where your virtue signalling lives right?

Kinja knows if a comment is worth making, it’s worth making multiple inexplicable times.

Yeah, honestly I’m surprised these supposedly street-smart, hardened criminals allowed this little clown into their gang in the first place. I get that he was bringing in revenue, but I would’ve given him some fake ‘Honorary Blood’ badge and never allowed him access to real gang activities. Getting caught and snitching

Many, many older people tried to warn him. But I think it’s apparent just from looking at him that this is not a person who takes common sense advice.

I watched that a few years ago. I remember pretty much nothing about it other than it being a much better than I was expecting. 

if the music is good your sexuality had nothing at all to do with it

Anyone else terrified that a single anonymous tip is all it takes to justify a swat team raid?

Thank you for the clarification.

That manic upswing is the best though.

And good luck defending your point of view against people that enjoyed it.

Any white men wanna take a break from watching the thousands of movies centered around them and jump in here to say “this is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr!!!”? Now’s your chance to educate us all

What does being dirty have to do with hepatitis?

I was a Muppeteer for one of the original movies. What Frank says makes sense. The chaos before, during, and after a scene was shot, when they stayed in character, was truly amazing to watch. I liked the first new movie, but absolutely hated Most Wanted. It reminded me that many of the Muppeteers now performing the