
Wow, I guess Wonka never got him out of the TV, but it’s nice that he’s learned how to appear on different channels.

Heathcliff Huxtable being a “gynecologist” with his “office” in the basement of his home should have tipped us off that he had a sex dungeon that whole fucking time too.

Interesting choice. I mean, I probably wouldn’t give a Superman project to a man who seems to want to shit on every single aspect of the character and his worldview at every opportunity, but hey, I wouldn’t have asked Zack Snyder to make Man of Steel either, so what do I know?

12 years like boobs, even if they are covered in swastikas pasties

The Dark Knight Returns was great until we all realized that Frank wasn’t trying to write the satire we all assumed it was.

Fuck this. He hasn’t written anything readable in 30 years, and he’s a nasty bigoted old scarecrow. I often ask this, but what the hell are you thinking, DC?

“We couldn’t have adapted Liefeld’s work even five years ago. But now digital technology has reached the point where we can make it look like a person really does have five billion teeth.”

Damn, look at them titties.

My first thought was just “No” but “yeeeesh” works.

That’s only because if everyone’s in the barrel, you can’t see their feet.

I think I speak for all of us when I say “yeeeesh.”

The pouch budget’s going to be in the millions but they’ll save money since they’ll never film below the knees

Let me get this straight - so Debra Messing brings up the fact on air that a woman working at E! makes much less than her male counterpart working at E!

“Alternative” Radio Stations are just Classic Rock stations for Gen X’ers.

It’s a reference to the Simpsons episode titled “Bart to the Future” (aired March 19th 2000) In which Lisa Simpson is elected after President Trump causes a budget crisis. So while I applaud your ability to tell the difference between a cartoon and reality I have to dock you several thousand points for missing the

Yeah, that all adds up. Missing a Simpson though.

“Republicans are happily the party of Homer (self-absorbed, short-sighted idiot), Bart (amoral troll, uninterested in anything resembling education or responsibility), Maggie (actual, literal baby) and Marge (perpetually in denial, pretending everything is fine).”

Why Crazy Steve? Lol

For Batman’s no-killing rule, I bowto the wisdom of Superman in “Kingdom Come:“More than anyone in the world, when you scratch everything else away from Batman, you’re left with someone who doesn’t want to see anybody die.”

Like, seriously, there's enough prime non-album/unreleased material that B.I.G. made in his lifetime for a decent rarities compilation, but fucking Puff is too greedy for that. Time for some patchwork posthumous "albums" with all the latest new mainstream producers and rappers!