Just like that recent study, that found that most vikings were of dark hair and dark eyes, not the blue eyed, blond fcuks we are bombarded with in entertainment. Once again, Hollywood white washing everything.
Just like that recent study, that found that most vikings were of dark hair and dark eyes, not the blue eyed, blond fcuks we are bombarded with in entertainment. Once again, Hollywood white washing everything.
The age old comment:
No more online preorders/orders. If you want one, and only one per customer, you have to go into the store. Done. Now if these scalpers want to go the extra mile and hire people to stand in line and buy these things, by all means.
What companies should do is create bots to look at ip addresses, delivery addresses, credit card information, etc. To cut back on the scalpers. The websites that allow secondhand selling, should remove all the pages of scalped products and make sure that recently released items aren’t sold, until 2 years time.
😂😂😂Even in normal circumstances, super mario 3d all stars would never reach $45 in two years time.
GoWII ps5 bundle, ftw!
Ebay should take down all the ps5 pages. Let the scalpers eat it or sit on it for awhile.
Is this another service, separate from ps+ and psnow? Or will this be integrated into one of the other services?
During the beta, I was using the xbo bt controller. Good to know the pro controller works with it.
Xcloud comes with gamepass. Gamepass also has pc games, as well as most console games. Being able to stream xcloud on pc would be a bit redundant.
Kyle rittenhouse and his shitty fcukin family has entered the chat*
Hells yeah! Stick to your guns!
This is america, so maybe an insulin injector
Do you happen to know what kind of discs they are using for next gen? Blu-ray discs again?
😆😆😆😆didn’t want to be that guy
“Life imitating art” next up is the sequel to death stranding, which will be in VR, as well. Itll be called Death Standing. 40+ hr of standing. This will be kojima's crowning achievement.
To fan the flames, apple just forced an app dev to add “in-app purchases” wouldn’t allow them to update their apps, unless they added microtransactions. Cause apple knew how popular the app was, and wanted their 30%. Even though the app doesn’t sell anything.
This is how precedents are set. Gotta start somewhere. If epic wins here, other devs can site precedent and maybe win against sony or ms. If epic loses, sony/ms can site precedent.