
This might hurt apple more. Epic has unreal engine, epic game store and whatever other pie they have their fingers in. You can still download fortnite on galaxy devices through the samsung app store. If they cut off epic, there goes the unreal engine, that I believe a lot of apple arcade devs use. Not to mention a

I took the matrix trilogy to be good, action packed, fun movies. You took religious significance from the movies? I want, what you're smoking. 

I’m glad, I dont know who she is or what’s going on in this article.

If it’s a three month, or more, game pass offer. Anything less is an insult. That would be a very nice incentive. Need games? Here’s 100+.

Anything chrono trigger, Cosmo canyon theme, metal gear solid ‘best is yet to come’, max Payne 3 ‘health - tears’

This list reeks of mobile game offerings. Except a handful.

X Box

Surf on your phone or read shampoo bottles, like a normal person. Also, why not try to just switch it, on the shit.

 Ryse: son of Rome is what I went to.

Serious Sam: I’m going to stadia’s house.

So, is there a character select screen? Or are the characters more set pieces. Ie flying stage, iron man or thor. City sequence, hulk or black widow. Also, how do you differentiate characters. I mean hulk and Hawkeye fighting the same grunt, hulk should be able to defeat him with ease, while Hawkeye would take a

Get a year of xbox live off amazon. Then get a month of game pass, after you’ve used the xbox live sub. Boom, a 13 months of game pass for $75.

Get a year of xbox live off amazon. Then get a month of game pass, after you’ve used the xbox live sub. Boom, a 13

xCloud is a pretty neat service. During beta, I was able to play dozens of games, I didn’t even own. The framerate stayed steady. During graphic heavy scenes, degradation happened, badly. Input latency wasnt as noticeable as I thought. My xbo bt controller synced up easily. But i hear they’re implementing a touch

I don’t see what the problem is. New and next gen experiences, require new and next gen equipment. I mean that’s what the Sony fanboys have been extolling, the last few months. Now they’re upset they can’t use last gen gear? I’m shocked, that fanboys on both sides, don’t know what they want.. well, not really. 

 t[°-°t] fcuk that stage, with the most rusted piece of barbed wire, wrapped around a salted bladed dildo....with hint of lemon juice.

ESPN 2k5 is the epitome of what a football game should be. The animations are great, the halftime show with highlights and chris berman(WOOP!), awesome! They still update the roster/playbook for this game and some users. This fifteen year old game, shats on anything ea could shit out.

So THAT’S why antonio left the raiders. He was still traumatized, by what burfict did. And seeing burfict, probably got his bitchass worked up again.

Back in my day, god I’m old, reviews of games were based off graphics, gameplay, sound. Now it’s “is it accurate to history or physics or canon” thrown in. It’s a game, escapism. Just like movies, you have to suspend belief. Just enjoy the ride. No one’s like, bloodborne 4 out of 10, monsters aren’t real. Zombie

If you’re struggling with xblive payments, maybe dont get it. It’s a luxury not a lot of people can afford. I mean $60 a year or $5 a month. Or even less if you look for deals. Maybe your parents will renew your sub for your birthday.