
Super Mario world

I enjoyed the radio function, in san Andreas, on the original xbox. A radio station, in that game, would play music I downloaded onto my system. Riding through san andreas, while listening to psychopathic rydas and bustin a drive-by, awesome!

Send these people to Activision/infinity ward, so they can optimize the fcukin CoD:MW updates. Or just the game itself. Guarantee GoTsushi is nowhere near the 200+GB monstrosity MW is. And GoTsushi is waaaaay more graphically intensive.

The xcloud is pretty nifty. I synced up my xbox controller to my phone, picked a game I didn’t own and jumped right in. Input lag was barely noticeable. During graphic heavy moments, there was a drop in resolution, but not framerate. This was all on wifi, not a mobile network. Didn’t try a mobile connection. The

Peacock streaming??! Gawtdamnit! Love me some psych. The entire gang!

*Did you ever want to walk, for long periods of time, without going anywhere? Well, soon, you can. Coming in 2021 Death Stranding VR. Walk like this, walk like that, walk forwards. Then check out the all-new DLC Death Standing VR. Stand for hours on end, then, watch as Sam stands, some more. Then prepare yourself for

 Weed. Weed has made a lot of games, more palatable. 

I love titanfall 2! It’s a beautifully crafted game. I just couldnt get passed the level, where they manufactured homes. The vertigo is real, for me at least.

Well, I’ve been waiting since I saw concept art back before e3.

Chewy chocolate chip cookies, instead of Graham crackers; reese’s/rolo’s, instead of Hershey’s; then the marshmallow.

 So, 8bitdo has a bluetooth controller, with grips. Looks closer to a ps controller. Has all the customization options. And they normally come with a case, should alleviate the thumbstick problem. 

 The one they show, in the article, even has an xbox home style button. But looks very similar, with the layout. 

The holiday reese’s 5lb cup! The chocolate just hits differently.

Powering my through the switcher 3. Every side quest, witchers hunt and question mark I see, I try to do. Which means, I’m about 10hrs in and still haven’t left velen.

Amazon: let’s build a game.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, texas is dumbassland.

Here’s the billion dollar question: Who the fcuk cares?

Some people: people who play on their phones, arent gamers.

“Lettuce just say, you are bacon something eggcelent.” -Ruxin

I’m interested in this game, but I want to check out shadow tactics, as well. But on a side note, while looking at the screenshots, I couldnt help but wonder how a game, like diablo, would be, if in a different setting. And not halfassed. Imagine a diablo-like game, but set in western times, with quick shots and