
Dark souls remastered, a major title, $23 as well.

Dark souls remastered, a major title, $23 as well.

Nier: automata, yakuza series, no man’s sky, just to name a few games that were “exclusive” til they weren’t.

 Is there an orzly option for the full size switch?

 Is there an orzly option for the full size switch?

 But when someone is going through a senseless family death, you don't blurt out, "well, my uncle died, too."

 I read somewhere, and I agree. No one said ONLY black lives matter. We know all lives matter. But now's the time for all lives to help black lives, cause they're the ones being persecuted and oppressed. 

Let them buy their way in, but a server of nothing but cheaters.

What is the free version of destiny 2, all about? Is it just the base game, with all updates and no dlcs? Or some? Do I start at level 1 or am I gonna have the option to max my character? I haven't played since destiny. It's it worth jumping back in, this late? 

The kkk traded their hoods in, for badges. And until their brethren call them out, y’all are gonna be lumped in with them. Like the saying goes, “let god sort them out.”

 Crises precipitates, change. Something this rotten, you don't spackle over. You raze it and build it better. 

Is it really necessary to mark hot coffee as “hot coffee”? Probably not, but idiot’s in this world make it so. They dont have to say “free with subscription” but they do it, cause some moron already commented, “they’re not ‘free’ I need a sub!”

Just wondering, but what runs on AA batteries, anymore? I have both an emergency flashlight and radio, no batteries required. My phone, tablet or other devices, nope. Pardon my ignorance, but those seem useful back when I needed them, in the 90's.

Just wondering, but what runs on AA batteries, anymore? I have both an emergency flashlight and radio, no batteries

 I've said it before, I'll say it again, people fcuking suck.

“Bad friend this, bad friend that..” these people seem to have a lot of extra time, to have outrage, for someone else.

Once again the tired trope of “repetitive gaming” is front and center. What, did you want some missions to be a “ddr-style” game? Perhaps a shooting or driving mission...for a shark, perhaps? The witcher 3, is repetitive...

Unico and the island of magic, where the witch turns every living thing into blocks. To which she can build her city.

Right? You dont get kills by facing each other, 100 paces out, and start shooting. You get them cause you saw someone who didn't see you. And you die cause you most likely didn't see someone. 

What bigbootie is saying is, how did the original poster, get run over WHILE in a jeep, hence the monster truck.

 I want to sign up for psnow, but am worried about the streaming quality of some games. If psnow had the ability to download all games, I may be more inclined.

PC master race, alright. At least you get to see the modders and hackers in 4k 240hz. Missle dicks!

I have a problem. I recieved this game, a week after release, due to late shipping. I haven’t gotten past the train station, due to me not playing. I have a problem.