Finish the game. Instead of adding new shit. Unless this is the roadmap to finishing the game. Ahh, fcuk it. I dont play this anymore, anyways.
Finish the game. Instead of adding new shit. Unless this is the roadmap to finishing the game. Ahh, fcuk it. I dont play this anymore, anyways.
I preferred Thrasher Skate and Destroy. It seemed less arcadey than THPS.
I’m weird. I go to bk’s, get me a double cheeseburger. Then mcds for nuggos, with sweet and sour of course, and fries. Head home, where I have my beverage of choice. And also, where I share my meal with my doggo. He loves fries and nuggos.
We should’ve stocked up, before the $1 offer. It turns your remaining xblive sub into an ultimate, for a $1. It turned my remaining 8 months of live, into ultimate, for a $1.
We should’ve stocked up, before the $1 offer. It turns your remaining xblive sub into an ultimate, for a $1. It…
Quality over quantity. Hopefully they're good to great.
Have you seen hardcore Henry? A first person action movie. That shit gave me nausea, vertigo, everything. Cool concept, wanted to finish it. But man, the visuals, the nausea.
So, are you a “layer by layer” person? Or do you get all layers on the spoon, for the bite?
Ted: ..its gonna cost you double, for what you paid for at the church.
If people are taking, someone named dr. Disrespect, seriously, then fcuk’em cause they’re dumb. If people are taking, someone named Guy, seriously, then fcuk’em cause they’re dumb.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, ain’t a bigger bitch, in this world, than a white, right wing american. For being such a burly, gun toting, constitution spouting, testosterone filled bunch, they seem to be overly sensitive to words. And to prove my point, a few will respond back, about being offended at my…
I came across some greenies and purps, on my travels. It was interesting to watch them go at it, with such vigor. I loved it. I, in the meanwhile, was walking from the casino to my apartment. In first person mode, with random killings, here and there, avoiding the police and the aliens. I made it home. It was…
I understand the gripes of the size of games. I just checked, CoD:MW, for me, is at 160gb. But with a 1tb xbo and a 2tb expanded hd plugged in, with 327gb of space left, I have 63 games installed, and....131 games uninstalled. Could you imagine the cartridges or CD-rom cases I, and many others, would be stuck with,…
I got a shotgun called the lob, with a do more damage with corrosive if you kill with corrosive, and it turns into a gun that shoots corrosive spirit bombs. And a Maliwan fire perk sniper rifle, 26k critical damage.
Especially, if said art is curated to the buyer.
Dunno if you were still looking, but gamestop's got'em.
Had riotous good time with hasta la vista! Shit is hilarious! And gta v in fp mode is a whole new game, for me at least.
A few months ago, I had my truck broken into. They stole my switch and about nine physical games, not to mention the numerous digital games I had, on said switch...and my morning banana!! I copped a new switch, redownloaded all my digital games. But since this wasnt my original switch, the only way to play the…
Ima say no. But I’m also gonna say it’s your money. Spend it however you like.
He officially old. Like when a grandmother buys that game, that no one else in the world could find, instead of the one the kid wanted. “Here’s that Elex game for your playbox 3.” *..I wanted skyrim for switch..*