Premature grammar-nazification. It's a serious condition, that can lead to being a dick.
Premature grammar-nazification. It's a serious condition, that can lead to being a dick.
In this day and age, it’s not so much forming one’s own opinion, it’s making sure your opinion is validated.
When it comes to reviews, it’s once person’s opinion. Unless you know that individual personally, the opinion is moot, and even if you know the person, then you should know whether the opinion is valid or not.
Damn. Sardines, crackers and Tabasco. That brought back some memories for me right there. Simpler times. Cartoons and video games. Last week? No, years ago.
At least they didn't get Uwe Boll.
Just checked out the website and holy moly! Great prints! Great artist!
Why do people donate to rich streamers? Like the guy said, “you’re a dipshit.”
Right?? “I’m sorry you got hurt when I slapped you.”
It's funny when people say, 'we have more powerful consoles...' it's not like they're running ff6 or bubble bobble.
I'm not crying, YOU’RE crying!! *runs away crying*
Alma, ninja Gaiden.
I recall a DBZ jrpg card game on super famicon, or snes?, way back when. It twas fun. No English translation, which made it a little difficult. Emulation for the win! With it, I've found many a game I normally wouldn't have known.
This was my first introduction, to these types of games. And I had a blast! Must get back into it. Awesome on switch!
The gist of this diatribe is, “why do people like things? I don’t get it.”
Just started this game, over the weekend. I get it. There is a level of intoxication, wielding such powers. Like the feeling I got, from throwing people from rooftops in prototype. Tossing items, with a whim; creating shields from materials around; the crimson hair, this game has it all.
I believe it’s all dependant on the individual and model. You can tell the person the recipe for immortality, but if they won’t pay any attention, then it’s a moot point.
Hmmm, where to begin. Ps, I need to finish tlou:re, nioh, gravity rush 2, uncharted 1-4, gow, Spiderman, senua, FirePro, division 2, days gone, hzd, mad max, nier:automata, persona 5, and the new games I bought/received for the holidays. On the switch and the xbo its...nevermind. All of them.
If it was I, I’d keep it til the wheels fall off. If it works, it works.
This list sucks. You guys are stupid. Blah blah blah. Just kidding. Awesome year! I enjoyed your content a lot. Thanks. Happy new years, to the entire staff.
Finish some of my backlog, before cyberpunk. Stop buying games at launch, and just wait for the "complete/ultimate" edition. Really though, finish some of my backlog.