Bf:bc2 was awesome! With bringing down buildings, to the weapons, to the stage design.
Bf:bc2 was awesome! With bringing down buildings, to the weapons, to the stage design.
For me, it’s risk of rain 2. I look at the backlog, then the games that would take large amounts of time. And then I boot up rofr2, for a quick jaunt. Maybe it’s my a.d.d, maybe i just don’t want to sit thru stories and cut scenes, I dunno.
Is it really that hard to fathom, that other people have different tastes than you?
I fcukin hate the antagonists on bl3. With that said, bl3 is exactly what you expect, more bl. Whether that's your bag, or not, that's what you get.
Some games come with a photo mode, where they can free roam the camera, a little, and add filters, etc. But usually involves in-game actions and settings.
Borderlands 3 is awesome. But the main antagonists are so god awful.
But they couldn't mod a way for a second player to control a companion in fo4.
Damn it to hell! I just ordered it from Wal-Mart, Saturday, albeit for $47 and it comes with a star wars gift set. So, yay? We'll see.
Damn it to hell! I just ordered it from Wal-Mart, Saturday, albeit for $47 and it comes with a star wars gift set.…
Senua's saga! Viking rock edition! 🤘
Make your own list, people. I enjoyed the read.
Guardian heroes is awesome. A side-scrolling beat’em up, with multiple characters, branching paths, multiple endings for each character. From beginning to end, probably 30 mins to an hr. But after multiple playthroughs, is when it really picks up. You unlock a vast roster of characters to chose, from the lowly goon…
Wow. People really get upset, how others spend their money. It’s ridiculous. Just stick to your schlitzes and box wines.
Adapt or die.
I wonder how long before china reverse engineers the switch, and sells it under their own brand, saying it's the new original chintendao glitch.
Thank you, peter, for your time, articles and insight. Loved it all. Happy holidays, bruddah!
Damn. Such a good read. Definitely makes me want to replay it. I had the trigger-tinted glasses on, and didn’t ever give it a shot, due to it having nothing to do with trigger. But if I go in, with no preconceived notions, sounds better.
Love me some SFII, but what sold me was the "rainbow" editions I played, in the arcades in korea.
Jedi xbo s 1tb, doesn’t have a coupon. Just saiyan.
Jedi xbo s 1tb, doesn’t have a coupon. Just saiyan.
Me: don’t fcukin do it..
I really enjoyed this game. I enjoyed playing as the robotic gentleman sniper. PvE was fresh; PvP was a nice take on the moba(?). It wasnt overwatch, which was perfectly fine. I don't think it was trying to be, since it was first. C'est la vie.