
Ive said it before, I’ll say it again, don’t leave it in the refs hands. For example, saints/rams missed PI call, if the saints were up 2 scores, it would be a moot point. Same here, outscore your opponent's. Bad teams, beat themselves with mistakes etc; good teams beat bad teams, but lose cause of the "refs"; great

I want guardian heroes on the switch. Not a rhythm based game, but I would still appreciate it.

\[T]/ praise Bust-A-Groove!

Copyright and trademark laws are laughable in China. They reverse engineer everything, then sell it as their own. They did it with PuBG, they did it with BMW. On the latter, BMW actually sued and lost. The Chinese courts said, “we don’t see any similarities at all, between your x5 and our x355456(whatever it's called

Fcuk’em I say. Stupid dumb fcukin foreigners. Next question.

Damn, that's some eve-online level treachery, right there. I dunno how I feel. On the one hand, I love a good tale of revenge. On the other, what he did, to a "friend" someone who trusted him, is inexcusable. "The inner most circle of hell, is reserved for liars.."

What is this nonsense? Only allowed to download certain titles? Per day, week, month rental? Glad they fixed it, somewhat. But all should be downloadable. 

Shhhhhhh!!! Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. Geeez-us christ!

The people who cry "SJW" are bigger pussy ass snowflakes. “A video game is making me upset.” Fcuk outta here. Go swallow a couple of .22's.

“it's bigger on the inside.." 

You cared so little, that you clicked, read and commented on a super smash article. Makes sense.

I need Michael Pena's character to do a recap of all the marvel movies. Also, truth syrum..

HahaHa!! Pus-C master race over here bitching and griping, like there is no tomorrow.  

That guy has his head so far up his ass, I'm surprised he caint see shit. Let people enjoy things, fcuk.

#TeamCap FTW!!

You’re not the best in the world, you’re the best in the world, out of the people who participated. There are tons of people, in any field, that are better, that don’t care for the stardom. That do it for the love of the game. Ie, this guy.

Home field advantage, is an advantage for a reason. 

Is that how lester would throw to a first baseman, though. No it isn’t, so your asinine logic doesn’t factor into real life situations. Hence why I didn't bother finishing your statement. So continue being that guy. Kudos.

kudos to you, jason, and your journalistic integrity. Keep shining the light on things like this, and hopefully change the industry, for the better.

Are you not taking into account the extension of the arms and legs of the first baseman? Youre definitely one of those guys, not the fun ones.