It is, what it is. Mayweather is undefeated, but his matches are boring as shit. Harden scores a lot by free throws, boring as shit. You can win a football game with nothing but field goals, boring as shit. As the viewers we wanna be entertained. As the athlete they just wanna win. C'est la vie. First world problems,…
I blame fans and the people who think they have carte blanche to do or say wherever they please to athletes, cause of the litigious society we’ve created and now live in. Plus you don't get the nickname "boston red nex" for being upstanding citizens.
Welcome home. Now get back to work.
Some apex legends and sekiro on the xbone. Salt and sanctuary on the switch. Some GoW on the PS4. But how long and when, is up in the air.
The Legend Of Zelda: Beats of the Wild
More games and more gamers, can only make the world a better, albeit more competitive, place.
But is that your normal way of gaming? Have you gotten rid of your consoles and pc, solely for that? Or is it a novelty/emergency/ever so often gaming situation.
More ways to play games, is always a good thing. Now, i have my reservations. First being my internet cap/overage, gonna be a lot for 4k/60fps. Then, this being a gaming service, ie gamepass/psnow, but streaming. Which limits what games can be allowed. Sucks for tv, gonna suck for games. netflix, Hulu, Amazon video.…
None of what YOU say is true, when you look at the game with a critical eye.
Rumor has it, that waynes world took 34 days to shoot.
Just won a round as a recon. Got the game winning kill. And enough to get caustic. I’m enjoying this game.
I’ll play just one more..
Another arm chair point guard. Curry is far from a "drama king" I wish he would argue calls as much as harden. But he doesn't. Harden on the other hand, drama queen to the hilt.
*blah*blah*blah* you're wrong, chrono trigger, ftw!
I can’t stand those fcuks. I just run off and solo it, at the nearest sign of a bitch.
Bummer, that level of destruction is what drew my interest, to begin with. Oh well, I’ll get to it, via game pass, one day.
For me, Ninja Gaiden on the 360, Alma boss fight. Fcuk my life, it was hard.
(^_^)Raider Rep: are you renewing your season tickets, for the 2019 season?
The researchers gave the phenomenon a name..*Tetris Effect*Logo*