Brain Lock

@avclub-298673367c6de609ae5970ce1e699c50:disqus the Silurian 2ptr was set in 2015.  I think Power of Three was set in either '13 or '14?

Wasn't Valentine also the White Guardian?

Super Saiyan Simm's power levels were OVER 9000!!!

Rumor was the s7b teaser scene with him in the forest was Trenzalore.


yeah, that's just inviting some time traveling stalking shenanigans.

it's actually "run you clever boy and remember"1234.

Because he was still hung up on Rose's departure. @_@

No.  Just NO.

re: Dream Lord - go watch "Christopher and his Kind" starring Matt Smith and Toby Jones.  That ep will take on an entirely different tone.  also, you'll never look at Matt the same again. 0.o!



This occurred to me, as well, that Lil O could be Windmark or even September. time will tell….

This occurred to me, as well, that Lil O could be Windmark or even September. time will tell….

yeah, I caught the "A" room, too, and briefly hoped Olivia would stop to check on it, but alas, such was not to be.