Brain Lock

yeah, I caught the "A" room, too, and briefly hoped Olivia would stop to check on it, but alas, such was not to be.

we've already got Broyles in sucky "wrinkled" make up, and if we go with the 22 year progression, only Aut-strid and Fauxlivia would need it, as Walternate would either be too old to be any help or dead.

we've already got Broyles in sucky "wrinkled" make up, and if we go with the 22 year progression, only Aut-strid and Fauxlivia would need it, as Walternate would either be too old to be any help or dead.

September is Henry is Donald is Steve Buscemi.

September is Henry is Donald is Steve Buscemi.



yep, with the various hallways (really a short run redressed) and a few unique rooms, just like the TARDIS interior in The Doctor's Wife, which also included the hall suddenly taking a vertical 90' turn with the wonky gravity turned off.

yep, with the various hallways (really a short run redressed) and a few unique rooms, just like the TARDIS interior in The Doctor's Wife, which also included the hall suddenly taking a vertical 90' turn with the wonky gravity turned off.

it's Steve Buscemi!

it's Steve Buscemi!

I'm wondering if
a- those were actual dance moves, like the tango
b- how he discovered the precise moves to access the pocket dimension
c- if they were really necessary at all, or if it was just Walter being Walter?

I'm wondering if
a- those were actual dance moves, like the tango
b- how he discovered the precise moves to access the pocket dimension
c- if they were really necessary at all, or if it was just Walter being Walter?

the ones Josh wrote last year or the ones from a few years back, written for the summer hiatus?

the ones Josh wrote last year or the ones from a few years back, written for the summer hiatus?

He knows kung fu.

He knows kung fu.

well, Noel naming this one "Fringe" would actually apply, as whoever decided on the monthly "sell by"/shipping dating process skips E for F (also I for J, so as not to confuse i with 1).

well, Noel naming this one "Fringe" would actually apply, as whoever decided on the monthly "sell by"/shipping dating process skips E for F (also I for J, so as not to confuse i with 1).
