Brain Lock

I had a friend post a picture of the two of them meeting at a NOLA con a few years back on FB a year or so ago.  Everybody who saw it was either "Ellsworth!" or "Bobby!" and D brushed it off as the actor who being pretty down to earth who cleaned up nice from his usual dingy looking characters, and actually had a

Try watching a marathon of: Supernatural s1-7, the first three seasons of Justified, then going back to watch Deadwood for the first time.  Mind = blown.

there was in my father's eyes.

He's also doing the TPIR touring show.


well, his name IS "R. Van Winkle".

…or Beverley Mitchell.

Steven Page: The Vanity Project.
While the other Barenaked Ladies had their own side projects (The Creeggan Brothers and later, Kevin's first group Kevin Hearn & Thin Buckle), Steve and Ed were the two mainstays with Page often co-writing with Lilac Time's Stephen Duffy when not collaborating with Ed or the others. 

I'm still turning down the wedding invite, tho.

Actually, Clara called him, first, and mentioned she was having trouble with her wifi.  he realized who was calling and had to come investigate her, and only then found the real trouble.

I thought we were getting an origin of sorts for the whole "St Johns ambulance" thing. pfah.


LKH soured me on River a bit, as it just seemed too forced a story, imo.  WoRS was okay, and TATM was slightly better for her (considering how many LogicFails it had), but I'll have to see how this finale uses her to decide whether she's back in my good graces again.

Alex is back for the finale, so there's that.
There are already a number of other theories as to who it was, from Rose (UGH!) to Sally Sparrow, to even Susan Foreman returning.

10 rode a Vespa around town in "The Idiots Lantern"/The Wire.

What about Jack?

The Doctor first met River in The Library 2ptr.
He first met Melody at Demons Run (he thought).
Melody took up the name River in LKH after she regen'ed from "Mels".

Barry? Help me, Barry!

not really. Brits tend to plot out their entire seasons before they start filming, while US shows only have a months' stories plotted out before they start filming a season that may be twice as long.