
There was a vocal reaction beyond Jezebel on the merits of a second season, primarily because there was only one book (which was the first season) and everything wrapped up pretty nicely, like all the women who were antagonizing each other realized what bullshit that was and decided to all be friends.

That was a

Older haha 

I had scored incredible seats to Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl, basically the front tables that are reserved for the elite and wealthy (friend’s friend was wealthy). At this show, Craig Robinson was playing King Arthur and he was hilarious.

During intermission, I go out into the parking lot directly behind the bowl to


I had scored incredible seats to Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl, basically the front tables that are reserved for the elite and wealthy (friend’s friend was wealthy). At this show, Craig Robinson was playing King Arthur and he was hilarious.

During intermission, I go out into

I dunno, I don’t think they were dumb, I think that they just weren’t “smart” enough for USC. It’s not like Olivia Jade was trying hard to get good grades but failing, she honestly didn’t seem to care about school since she knew she was going to be an influencer. If anything, her four years at USC were just a

It is in LA. Lot’s of successful people in the biz came out of USC and UCLA, and UCLA is damn near impossible to get into. So saying you have a kid who got into USC is along the same lines of saying you have a premium membership at SoHo house, can get a rez at Koi with no problem, have a bungalow off Catalina island,

You don’t talk with them. You’re not going to change their mind. Speech and Debate people tell you that you only work to convince those who are undecided. When people’s minds are set on something, they’re hard, if not impossible, to sway.

I love it when news outlets all share unclever, extremely similar headlines. Like when the reviews for “The Accountant” with Ben Affleck came out, 9/10 of them had something along the lines of the phrase “The Accountant doesn’t add up”

Also helps maintain the “allure” of it, that when people fly from midwest states to California to visit, they make sure to go to in n out at some point because they don’t have it at home.

Finally a chance to share my story! (I’m a man, just FYI).

Worked at Disney for three years. Basically, members on my team were repeatedly told that annual merit raises were only between 2-3 percent, because the company apparently has a “policy” for that (even though they never showed us this policy). The idea was that

I agree, but one of the general problems of lumping people with violent behavior into the “mental health” category, just like people who note mental health issues whenever a shooting occurs, is that it can add even more of an unnecessary stigma onto, or fear of, people who have actual diagnosed mental health problems

Agreed. I’ve lived in LA now for maybe 4-5 years. I had adopted the Dodgers as my new team, would probably go to 10 games a year, had my hat and jersey, but would occasionally root for the Rockies when they come to town.

During that tiebreaker game this past playoff series, I got so much shit for wearing a Rockies

stand back

It ends with a scene of the bris for Tony Stark and Pepper’s son(they have been secretly jewish this whole time). Vision cuts the foreskin using a heat beam with the mind stone. Spider-man webs it up with his webbing stuff. War Machine is the rabbi (also jewish).

I don’t mean to say that you’re lying or incorrect, and even though I would say I know a lot about birthright (although am far from the certified, undeniable expert), this claim doesn’t sound completely true.

I think everyone who goes on birthright is pressured, either directly by staff, guest speakers/educators in

“He loves to tease males and females, and certainly his very good friends,” Bronfman wrote. “I can attest to that! Always has. But to conjure up intentions that he never had or has is more than a disservice. It’s downright outrageous!” Chances are his “very good friends” aren’t very good friends but people who hate

Yep, rewatched all of The Wire this way while doing work last week.

People like Stranger Things because it was set in the 80s and has that “oh remember when we used to ride bikes to the quarry and play Pac-Man after at the arcade?” feel to it, just like E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. Take that out and it’s meh. Also, it feels kind of cheap/lazy to make them so interested in dungeons and

You know why people love Friends and Seinfeld and Law and Order and whatnot? Because they’re GREAT. And they’re also episodic, allowing a family to dive in and enjoy without knowing that Joey murdered Big Pussy on a boat in Funhouse in Season 2, or that Kramer used to boink the guy from Grey Matter’s wife and that’s

yeah this is really the senior year of high school mindset where people are judging other people where they’re going to schools. and then there’s poor community college kid, who either didn’t have great grades for the state or more prestigious private university or simply can’t afford it, and then they’re being