
Sounds like Lady Bird’s dad didn’t refinance the house after all. 

Non-starter, simply because they haven’t earned their degrees yet, they’re basing their lawsuit on the hypothetical that they actually receive them. 


As someone from Denver and who has/does/works in local news, I’m so fucking sick of these stupid “Feel good” stories and how they’re just commonly written (obviously this isn’t a feel good story but the Post presents it as such.)

“John Smith wanted to walk away from the Denver Wrestling Championship with a gold medal.



LOL. It’s not like Ben Stiller jerked off into a tube of cum, wrote “hair gel” on it, then when Cameron Diaz opened up the door, grabbed her by the arm and yelled “TAKE MY HAIR GEL!!!!”. If anything, Diaz violated Stiller by literally grabbing some of his bodily juices he didn’t know was hanging by his ear after

Does it rhyme with schmelloite?

At my old job, we were frequently told that you could only get a merit raise between 2-3%, 3 if you were great, 2 if you were just adequate. They told us it was a “policy,” although that was never written down anywhere for us to see.

One of our VPs was chummy with a junior guy on our team and reveals that the myth is

Guidelines to get into a frat are relatively slim. Many don’t require that you actually went to the school where the frat is located, so if a frat is at U.C. Berkeley, people at Berkeley Community College or San Francisco Technical School could still go. There is also really no criminal background process or procedure

I love Red Rocks

That dispute only states that he didn’t participate in inappropriate online communications with someone he KNEW was underage. So either the girl said she was older than she was, he genuinely didn’t know she was underage, or he might have had an inkling but didn’t bother to verify and is now feigning ignorance.

The fact

Jezebel is a news site, one with certain leanings sure, but a news site nonetheless. If Meghan and her bitter battle with her dad are newsworthy, they have every moral and ethical thumbs up to publish it. It’s also a little different situation than the Daily Mail as Jezebel isn’t just paying Mr. Markle $1,000 for her

because now we’re all talking about and because websites and blogs are writing about The value they’re getting publicity wise is far more than whatever they spent on the giving Lea a free bachelorette party

Well hey now, I think three points is still pretty impressive

Sadly, unless there’s a criminal conviction or anything, he’s gonna stick around. Bohemian Rhapsody is approaching the near billion mark worldwide. It might even cross a billion right before or after the Oscars, and then god knows how much in streaming/DVD stuff.

Now it’s still only 73 (as if that’s unimpressive) on

This is clearly a parody of something but I don’t know exactly what. This paragraph in particular shows its an Onion-style parody of the overindulgent culture writing where critics/journalists are now not just critiquing an actor’s performance but their actual career choices.


One of the main logistics or operational guys, like one in New York and not the bahamas, wouldn’t get paid until the day of the festival when it all came together. So even though they were highly skeptical, it was like they were dangling his paycheck above his head.