
Depends. I’m a creative and needed to do some unpaid stuff just to get published to a wider audience, rather than just having it on my own website. Organizations were very clear and firm from the get go they couldn’t pay me. Still, the unpaid stuff lead to the paid stuff.

However, there are lots of orgs who do take

Easy, and it’s the same ways people are sucked into scams like the Church of Scientology, or USC’s Journalism school:

1. They have a really good recruiter. People are naturally drawn to other charming people. The recruiters, who know they hold more power and prestige than their recruits, fawn the recruits with praise,

I don’t think Pareene voted in the last presidential election

But that’s still different as TV shows, films, etc. agree to pay a predetermined amount or rate or percentage of money before an actor even starts working.

For YouTubers, they just upload videos to the same platform with no expectation or guarantee of success. And it’s not like YouTubers are informing YouTube that

i like it

The Social Network posits that Mark’s efforts in starting Facebook were all spurned out of anger over getting dumped by Erica Albright. It paints him as a woman-hating, well, everyone-hating loser.

In actuality, Mark has been dating the same woman since college and has since married her. He’s probably not a

George had the balls but the people he was working with on the prequels did not. Nobody wanted to throw away their meal ticket at the risk of saying to George “hey, maybe this Jar Jar Binks guy isn’t a good idea,” or, “hey, maybe this whole plot with the trade whatnot in TPM just isn’t that interesting” and then

Maybe, they might have casually bumped into each other once or twice, or they feel like they are undergoing a similar ordeal, they have more in common and can connect (or at least Lori might think/feel that).

I literally bought one share of Roku yesterday and it made me $13 today. Time to get some Chipotle!

Makes sense, and smart move on WB’s part, although not for journalism as a whole.

I don’t think every red carpet reporter would be angling to ask about Joker and incels and violence today and the Aurora 2012 shooting, but those that do would probably be hoping to get a really good soundbite from some random cast member

Lancaster? Colorado Springs? Sounds like Lancaster though.

Incels are afraid to purchase a gun because even showing up to a gun store or convention requires leaving the house. James Holmes wasn’t an incel, he was just mentally deranged.

I mean, it’s more than he feels like he was dealt a shit hand in life. As least from what I read in the spoiled story synopsis, he WAS dealt a shit hand in life, orphan sorta, abusive parent, physical and mental health condition, yada yada.

Honest question Charles, have you actually seen the movie yet?


It’s love TARS, love is what’s guiding me to her!”

“Um, pretty sure it’s hyper-evolved humans trying to get you to communicate with the only person who has the intellect to guide people off earth, who also just happens to be your daughter, but sure.”

Out of curiosity, where is your journalism job? I don’t mean to dox you, I’m in a similar situation, but can you say like this city in midwest at a large/medium paper, this major city in California at a TV station?

Again, don’t mean to dox you, just very curious as I’m in the same boat. 

But manslaughter isn’t murder

But he’s COMPLEX, man! He’s had STRUGGLES! What he thinks he is doing is RIGHT, even though the hero thinks its WRONG! That’s super interesting!

I just mentioned above how they used promo images of tommy lee jones from Space Cowboys in this, the uniforms are the same.

They totally used images of Tommy Lee Jones from his role in “Space Cowboys” for those opening photographs.