
Aaaaaah - I totally forgot about that woman.

In reality - Ross had a freaking kick-ass job! And he could realistically afford stuff (like a super cool apartment).

I remember a lot of episodes in Friends where the focus was on one character or story line and the others reacted.

Crap I missed that (serving dinner). I love her!!!

They should quit while they are relatively ahead.

and yet she hasn't learned that a perm is a bad idea.

Maybe she will move to New York and become a success by writing a sit-com based on her family life.

He's got his family's money.
It can't be his personality

He used to be the funny one. He used to be the best part of the show. He's regressed into the love child of Phoebe and Joey.

I just thought it was the actress striving to match her character's snarky attitude.

So far.

why can't a cute kid just be a cute kid? Make him do cute kid things. Cliche, yes. But it's much more believable.

In a world that Manny and Luke get the girls. Not even hot stupid girls (because - gold diggers). In CALIFORNIA

She should go and live on her own or above Cam and Mitch. Claire clearly doesn't care for her and plus they need room for Hayley to stay when she doesn't become the next Kardashian

I SO wanted him to find out she left because he was bad in bed. Then Phil would have to have the other talk.

I've come to loathe the way the Dunphy's treat Alex. I know mean girl Claire has raised Hayley in her image. But Claire outwardly despises the fact that Alex can be both intelligent AND beautiful. I don't think the writers counted on the actress growing up to be so lovely - now they don't know what to do with her.

I loved seeing her on Party Down as kind of a tramp. It was glorious.

Maybe they can hang out at the Jenkintown Funk Academy!!!!

He needs to sing

EVERYONE would watch a Mellor Glascott spinoff.