Nasty Nate

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

Please note that the Sixers also have the rights to swap the Kings pick this year if it is a better pick. Hinkie died for our sins!

Just as well. Guy thrives in isolation.

A toddler might say to you, “Vroom vroom, I am a truck!”


First read Game of Thrones about 8 years ago after reading a New Yorker piece about how divided his fanbase was over his slow output. I figured, if people are clamoring this rabidly for new pages, this guy must be good. Only now, 8 years later and thousands of pages in, do I realize that article wasn’t a promotion

But is that running from the cops speed?

I wish these gay football players weren’t so obsessed with sacks.

The better take is “Paul Pierce can’t talk about Kevin Durant’s career choices when he still owes Kevin Garnett payments for his own ring.”

Teams are probably banking on him walking away at the end of his contract. But they should know better than assuming he’ll be able to walk.

I hope he finds another gig to put food on his table otherwise it’ll be Feaster famine

Now that’s a Hot-N-Ready take!

Good. Clearly they’re not Hungary enough for it.

“The year before that they was wearing trash bags”

What, did you think he was gonna pass?

Looks pretty accurate to me!

Sorry, jabronis, but I’m calling this now: Cavs are gonna destroy the Warriors in the Finals this year. And you can take that to the bank. also noted that there is “no mention of whether the teams in the St. John’s team’s division - the JV black league - can or cannot be co-ed, though other divisions are mentioned as strictly boys or girls teams.”

Yeah, but the Warriors still blew a 3-1 lead.

I hope someone bodyslams Dolan from space into the core of the goddamn earth.