Nasty Nate

AT&T Center security has a similar problem with Tim Duncan, and always are keeping an eye on him when he’s in the arena, because of all the customers complaining of him lecturing them that, instead of spending all this money to watch a basketball game, they should invest it in a 5 year treasury note which, on

I never knew Kuato could play guitar!

These were just some clowns Stepan toes.

Man, now chants at a Rangers game. This is getting Messier and Messier.

James Harden watched this for defense tips.

When did this happen? Now I can’t stop seeing Uncle Shaq...

I guess you could say the Hawks did it the Hardaway.

It’s simple. He just needs to stop going to Superbowl Cuts.

They need to cut costs and slash inventory. Maybe they could bring back Ray Lewis as a spokesman.

Raiders owner Mark Davis has until March to get this mess figured out, otherwise it’s unlikely he will receive the 24 votes from his fellow owners needed to approve his team’s move to Las Vegas.

Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?

Ouch. That ending was rough.

You won’t believe what hipsters are doing now?

Now playing

When I lived in New Orleans, I came home one time and the power was out. I asked my roommate, the one who handled the bills, what happened. He shurgged his shoulders and said, “The bill came during Mardi Gras.”

Next, you’re going to tell me he’s not a real King.

Hi, I’m Dwight Howard. I have superstar numbers but every team I join gets worse and in a year everybody hates me. Here, smell my fart!

Dwight Howard poisons every team he’s on.

...I mean, sure. I’m not quite sure what your overall point is in regards to my comment?

This is silly. Are people really worked up over nonsense like this? Someone hitting “down” on the D-pad a bunch of times?

Shame on you for arguing against reparations for the Braves.