Goodyear Black

But even though Braasch hasn’t seen the video, she contends that she feels like it would exonerate her, adding that the “supervising officer who came late to the scene...was very hostile to me...He began berating me and I found his behavior to be very hostile...I was the harasser instead of the person being harassed.

He began berating me and I found his behavior to be very hostile...I was the harasser instead of the person being harassed.

Huge congrats to you, Felice. I’ve only ran one marathon but I was really proud of picking up a 3rd or 4th wind at mile 22 and powering it to the finish line passing a bunch of runners in the process. And yes, the mobility that I still had in reserve made me think I could have went another couple of miles. Stronger

He’s using religion to shield himself from criticism, to hold himself as infallible and to act as a conduit for his god, effectively making himself the voice of his god.

Koonye has fallen into the white supremacist prosperity gospel cult that runs the Republican party and wants to turn this country into an autocratic theocracy. It’s no surprise that the album is at number one because the fuck nugget cultists buy up literal shit because their pimp pastors tell them to support a fellow

he must charge more for the sake of his family’s survival.

IMO, the only white person from the Civil War era who should be honored is John Brown.

That’s the killer! Common isn’t much darker than the average white person.

I thought she was Latina. 

Which brings us back to what is obvious, but bears repeating: Racists aren’t actually concerned about having more white anything, it’s about making sure there is never a counternarrative. Any commemoration, monument or tribute to black life, progress, or history is seen as a threat.

First of all, Common ain’t even that dark. Why the dark paint Blackface? Because that’s how idiots like this guy sees Black people. Dumbass soup cookie.

It’s obnoxious how old fashioned notions like women not being allowed to have or socialize with male friends unless the male partner is in tow, continues on. Or the fact that the only reason why a couple might want to break up after many years is due to HER cheating.

Holy crap that is a great photo. The choice of a deep purple works so well with the skin tone. So well done. :-)

Richard Palmer writes for the Daily Express, a “paper” nearly as bad as the Daily Fail in their anti-Meghan propaganda. While this may be true, I wouldn’t trust Palmer on reporting on his own name much less anything to do with Harry & Meghan. 

If it’s true the rest of the royals are pissed about what Harry said(an it is almost certain they are) I have a lot of respect for him. It really seems like Meghan’s mom is the only decent family these two have besides their son.

That was a boss move on her part, and I hope Graci Harkema finds a better gig elsewhere soon.

I especially loved the part where the diversity director they hired after the lawsuit was filed quit and publicly stated that the company didn't care about doing the right thing, just winning the case.

Seconded. “Minty” works as a standalone episode and Aisha Hinds gives a mesmerizing, award-worthy performance. She keeps you entranced for the full episode and you don’t need to know anything about any of the other characters or anything about the show. Though, if you’re looking for a series to binge, Underground is

Underground had a really stellar cast and was my favorite show on TV for a little while, and I’m still not over its cancellation. It deserved far more attention (and seasons) than it got.

“Harriet Tubman escaped slavery in 1849, making the 90-mile journey from Maryland to Pennsylvania on her own after previously trying to flee with her brothers. Tubman made at least 13 more trips to the South, leading at least 70 enslaved people (though some have suggested the number is as high as 300) to freedom,