Goodyear Black

Things this woman was NOT...

I wish more parents were like her.

Christian Tinsley, 2019 The Root 100 nominee.

Chile she reminds me of the day when the schools used to be scared of the parents. Before the whole don’t spank your child mess in the 90s...the schools couldn’t stand to see a black mama, grandma, auntie or daddy pull up to the school. We didn’t have guns...we had mama.

I’m not one for putting the onus for everything on teachers y’all, I do love and respect ‘em! But why are we pretending the one adult in the room who is in charge of the kids doesn’t know about, can’t see and is powerless to stop bullying?! Yeah, yeah parents should be raising their kids better but how about Teacher’s

This isn’t really any different than going to the playground to yell at the kids who sent your child home crying.

She is my SHERO! No one really stands up for OUR kids. WE have to be the ones to DEFEND and PROTECT!! BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!! Some lessons are only learned thru pain. Pockets or hands?


Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.

Not going to sit here and say she went to far. Hell she didn’t go far enough. Her daughter should’ve pointed out one of the kids responsible and Ms. Tinsley should’ve gone to the home of the offender and introduced the parents to momma bear. Now we know that these parents would’ve called the police rather than look at

She may not be the mom they want,but she is definitely the mom they need.

Here comes the respectability brigade in 3...2...1...

Nothing is better than seeing a black woman look a white racist thug in the fucking eye and then proceeding to smash the shit out of it with her fist.

This is what happens when you go out in public instead of posting anonymous gray comments on the root. I can smell the racist grays collectively shit themselves through the screen.

Accurate too! She was One-two-and-three right on the side of the guy’s head. Same spot, every time.

“he swallowed much more than the recommended daily allowance of “Deez Hands,” the man ran out of there like he was in King’s Landing and heard the Emergency Dragon Alert System”

I am pleased... This soothes my soul...

“the man began imitating a primate and making ape noises although—to be fair—he may have been simply performing a jungle mating call begging for someone to kick his monkey ass.”

That’s the thing.