Lugs Harvey

This is craziness. I’m not sure if jalopnik writers are being told what their opinion on these tariffs should be, or if there’s a misunderstanding of how international business works. Yes, Ford not selling cars they’re building in China, in the USA, does hurt Ford, just as the tariffs are intended to. Yes, retaliatory are for selling Chinese made cars in the U.S.?  Will you still be so thrilled when every manufacturer starts doing this?  I swear, if Trump Tweeted that only losers drink bleach, at least half you would start guzzling Clorox straight from the bottle.

So, uh, wtf does this have to do with tech and gadgets? Is there some kind of new virtue signaling app?

You know you idiots on the left are the only reason anybody has any idea who this idiot is, right?

So Tom, disregarding the content of the message, do you support fascist suppression for everyone, or just those you dont agree with?

The officer then ticketed the man filming for shooting the incident vertically.

Damn you are just another dirty racist hiding behind the false flag of social justice warrior. Here’s a fact for you- there are many more white people because we happen to be the majority... duh! If you travel through Africa, as I have, black people are the majority there. Simple facts, not racist. Also, we are not

Wow, that has to be the most ignorantly drawn conclusion I have ever read.