
Oh he’s so good at being totally freaking scary

It feels like it got stuck between going full nasty or staying within a more light-hearted parody. Does anyone remember that movie Hellbenders? Where the “heroes” are priests who commit enough sacrilege to be damned so they can drag demons into Hell? I don’t know where I’m going with this, but it’s related somehow...

Ummm why isn’t everyone like Jason Momoa? He’s got a huge heart and isn’t afraid to lavish people with as much love as the Fab 5.

If anyone in NYC managed to get within arm’s length of a hot off the grill Double Double, it would be eaten. If it was dropped on the street, it would not be sitting up like a perky poodle. It would be more like a hot mess, you know, spilling out of it’s wrapper, lettuce all over the place, bunz in the air...

when that one boy is Fire Fist, that’s all the charisma you need :)

ugh whereas republicans seem to think white men should be protected as children until they’re 35, except when buying beer for their frats

Yes for like 2 samsungs and a google pixel. There’s a whole wide world of androids out there. And the people who can’t pay for the expensive unlimited plans have trouble affording the new iPhones or Samsungs. I’ve had my Samsung for 3 years and can’t afford a new one.

Fck this. Any stockholders with shares in funds that hold Wayfair should demand an ESG review. Support the EMPLOYEES; the company itself is pulling a “just filling/following orders” song.

Only for iPhones? Gag me with a spoon.

Fook it, I love it all, I loved Season 1, Season 2 and I’m diving right into Season 3 with love as well. 


Just a reaction to Pine doing so well with the role of Captain Kirk, a role people assumed was forever tied to Shatner

All of this would make more sense if it were spread out and aged over AN EXTRA DAMN SEASON

And maybe having a reason to live other than vengeance?

So he’s going to claim that clean energy causes cancer #asshat

Christian Siriano is the true champion of People. And these designers should be learning from his example.

I’d say this is more classist f*ckery wrapped up to look like it serves the people. We’ll be financially locked out of certain areas of NYC.

Hella money to get in to a State School. I mean we know this stuff goes on but for USC?

I’m pretty sweet on Burns the longhair dachshund myself... cutie patootie!!

Totally different types of competitors, physically-speaking. Sheer strength vs agility, problem-solving and lean muscle work. I like watching both and am capable of neither :)