The idea of seeing Lively finally doing full-on camp makes me happy. Can she please redo Age of Adeline and Savages in full silliness please please?
The idea of seeing Lively finally doing full-on camp makes me happy. Can she please redo Age of Adeline and Savages in full silliness please please?
I wonder what Biebs&Hails were crying about? As a fellow Pisces, I am practically in tears just imagining what it’s all about, but the big thing i notice is that they both physically touch each other to soothe and i have to say that warms my giant Pisces heart.
How many metal screws does it take to imprison that orange vegetable-thing in the plastic shell, and who sits there with the teeny screwdrivers???
That can’t be Melania, there are several pictures of him actually holding his hand...
This story is the dick remedy for politics
He’s a sadist. We need to make him feel unimportant and invisible.
We are constantly marching. And calling our reps and emailing and posting, and it’s not enough. We need the world to condemn him and keep condemning him, even if it means hardships on the rest of us, the rest of the world needs to shun him. Turn his words into air. Take his power, please.
For some reason I read the headline as “Don’t miss the Royal Weed Feeding” and I got really excited for Royal edibles
I’d like to walk down that hallway with a dragon and set it on fire.
I feel like we should assume every woman’s partner prays at the gates of life... those who don’t must have a sickness in their soul.
What’s chilling is Hollywood selling teen side-boob in place of a plot.
Robin Wright is our Buttercup-turned-Warrior Goddess, which leads me to believe she is a kick-ass mom. And parenting never stops!
Is 52 passengers normal for a mid-day Acela DC/Boston?
Please stop posting these ads in my feed. I am a divorced, middle-aged woman. All the men my age are dating 25 year olds that I could have given birth to.
Getting old happens to most people at some point... even you will get old. You may or may not “get it” but the pedophilia and child porn are the really unattractive parts of his nature. Commenting on hair color or tattoos? Not top priority.
Please Jezebel and related sites, please please stop shoving these ads down my throat. If your big data is really working, you would know how horrible these ads make me feel
mthrfckr signed for her while mansplaining that their card doesn’t include a picture because she makes him look fat.
Housewives House Swap - Summer Edition
Teen Savages Save the World!
Can we write opinion letters to put in HIS permanent file?