
So an injoke in the FBI, likely a mocking reference to Trump and co’s insane paranoia, is now being used by the paranoid as proof of a conspiracy?

One thing I know for sure: Even fewer people are gonna want to work with Monique now.

The light has gone out of my life.

This reads like a parody written by a right winger of how liberals are so terrified of being seen as racist that they will allow any kind of misbehavior by someone slide, as long as the bigot is a POC.

He’s a homophobe, duh. Shouldn’t we also be judging Cardi B, since she’s dating a known homophobe? The people you spend your time with says a lot about you...

As a queer guy, I don’t know what I vibe with less: Rich’s seemingly annual long-form deep dive into the gay sex party scene (“you liberal straight people think you’re not homophobes? Psshaw. Let me tell you all about the transcendence I experienced while watching a bunch of anon dick-in-butt stuff over the weekend.

Unfortunately, I also know a few people who love this show because they find these “characters” relatable. It’s interesting how many poor whites like to offer up suggestions on how the black community should “clean up its act,” while ignoring the serial baby-making, dropout rates, domestic abuse and drug problems in

Yep. But the maternal excusal of molestation and attraction to klan-flavored self-proclaimed Christians is sort of a package deal. In their world: all blacks (except that one they like) are niggers, all girls are sexable, and all white men are just one lucky break from being a billionaire. Those women try to get in on

I don’t think anyone tunes to find out how Mama June lost all the weight. I imagine people watch this because they get a kick out of how trashy these people are. I mean, I’ve watched maybe 10 minutes of Honey BooBoo and my takeaway is that the whole point of the show is that these people are trashy and ignorant, so it

“People really with all the shit going on in the world,we gonna start this black white shit again.we got kids dieing in the streets and now here we go again with this slavery shit.what about the white slaves.If u don’t want to be here go back to the fucking mother land I’m tired of all this nigger shit”

I’m from Arkansas and June and her child molesting beau are sooooo normal. I remember getting into discussions with folks like that and they would tell me to get over that “white black thing” and I’d gaze at them, with them barely eking out a living, with their koolaid lipped kids, filled with racial animus and vain

But then, it isn’t like this kind of boyfriend/girlfriend stuff isn’t unusual. It’s right up there with the humblebrags from toddlers’ moms about how many “girlfriends” their 3-year-old son has, which is just gross IMHO. No, he might just be a friendly kid, so don’t stage “kisses” or encourage them to chase after each

I’m just confused by that picture because if you had told me she was 20 and he was 12, I’d have totally believed it.

Umm her psychotic parasitic parents will do that, just like with Lohan.

No, Trump probably believes it. Many racists do not believe they are racist. Many, maybe even most conservatives don’t even believe that true racism exists anymore in the U.S. or that liberals are the ones who are racist against white people.

Whenever I see interviews with Trump supporters, there will invariably be at least one who says that they voted for him because he’s not “politically correct.” Which we all know is their way of saying that Trump is the openly bigoted person that they’ve always wished they could be in public.

Clearly, Honest Don, as he is known throughout the world, wouldn’t lie. Nor would Genius Don, as he is also known far and wide, lack the self-awareness to know that when you insist you’re something, like “not a racist” or a “very stable genius,” you’re almost certainly the opposite.

He’s not racist, that he can tell you.

Those smarmy Midwest Rethuglican Congressman with their “Well he just says what everybody’s thinking” — well, it’s not our fault the only people you know are a bunch of backward reactionary bigot bastards, you corrupt redneck bottom-feeder.