
This is it. All this time he could tell himself he was loved in New York, but for the first time he’s confronted with mobs of New Yorkers telling him to fuck off. And it must reeeeaaaally irk Ivanka, who had a pleasant, cushy life of privilege and now is left to hang out with the Duck Dynasty family.

except for the fact that we have always thought he was an awful idiotic douchecanoe, and we kept trying to tell the rest of the country how awful he was, but they only knew him from his gold-plated penis-lengtheners, and they wouldn’t listen :/

Two things to remember:

Isn’t this the same Fox guy that did that horribley racist Chinatown segment?

I mean, you couldn’t even make that up. “This country is not a racist nation” followed by an image of two women of color, the implication that they are sympathizing with a murderous dictator, followed by an image of more people of color and the words “threatening the president over food stamps.” I think I’ve had an

Ah, yes. I see you’ve tuned in to “I Hate Black People with John Watters”. Freed from his job as a supporting comedian on “Rape Hour with Bill O’Reilly”, he has really come into his own.

Quite a feat actually. You saw A White Hate terror supporter in a cheap gray suit, blowing alternative fact smoke up his own ass, while also offering up a complfortable bosom to Republicans and Trump supporters who’re now are seeing light for the first time since they removed their heads from sand

That is classic....”Our country is not racist, and next, here are some black people for you not to like”.

And the old, scared white folks watching Fox will believe every word of it, too. Damn.


The President is a white supremacist. He can condemn, in the most explicit words, virtually everything else under the sun. The reason he didn’t condemn these Nazis is because he is one. If he wanted to, he would have. He just didn’t want to.

I also saw a few tweets that said it must be a false flag perpetuated by “the left” to frame this guy and make the Nazis look bad. You already look bad. GTFO.

We have hateful, violent white supremacy trying to take over America. They’re literally in his cabinet. So unless you’re a hateful racist white person like them. Why would you vote for Trump again? To lose all your rights in America?

I wonder if he expects a pardon from Trump, or Trump to pay his legal fees.

Too bad there is photo evidence completely identifying which side he was on.

They’re always there. Some of them are also out there offering elaborate but entirely fabricated descriptions of the assault itself—they describe a scenario in which this poor, terrified young man, beset by violent antifa thugs, desperately tries to escape, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah: and you can bet the

Radical White Terrorist, but just one in a gathering of them.

I’ve seen “they scared him”, “he was scared” and “both sides scared him because something something both sides”.