
Never forget, Ivanka is the “bag man” for the Trump Crime Family. Ivanka went to Azerbaijan to collect on the money-laundering project that was the Trump Baku Hotel. Ivanka also went to meet up with Putin’s girlfriend Wendi Deng in Dubrovnik in August 2016 - in the middle of a heated presidential campaign and leaving

Shes part of the con. Her job is to say nice things, keep people in the room, give them hopethat this time the Trumps wont do what they ALWAYS do and screw people over. She plays goodcop to Trumps insane cop.

“I’ve never seen hatred like this,”

Looks like somebody picked up projecting from Big Daddy Dump! Dude, just wear a tee shirt saying WE’RE GRIFTING TRAITORS.

“Morals have flown out the window. My pussy grabbing father can tell you all about morals. Why, my brother in law who made a fortune as a slum lord who evicted people for being $5 short on their rent can tell you all about morals. Republicans, especially my family, are the most moral people ever.”

Should he of all people be questioning who is a person? I mean....

That’s an insult to Beavis and Butthead.

The projection is run-of-the-mill Republican bullshit The eliminationist language is what pushes the statement over the fascist line. In other words, he’s right on theme.

I’ve seen better likenesses of the Trump sons...

Well that’s deplorable.

Eric really is a master of PR.

But people who siphon donations from childrens hospital are people? This scumbag has been stealing money from charity for years. The Trumps all deserve to go to prison.

So, I have to go into the other room in a moment, so I am going to make this brief:

London lost 52 people on 7/7. More than that were killed by the IRA. Over 40,000 in the Blitz. It doesn’t matter if the attacks never stop, because London will never surrender. And that’s a promise.

I know we’ve been over this again and again re: Trump, but I just woke up from a nap in which I dreamed that I told off a bunch of Trump voters, and now I am steamed. Seriously, what were people thinking?! When you vote, the question is not, “Who is perfect and has never made a mistake and believes every single thing

It’s racist globally! All these “local noticeboard” apps are.

I live in a fairly conservative area and the paranoid urban legendy shit that they post is crazy. No one is putting mouse traps in people’s mailboxes, guys.

No offence here, but I bloody hope not. We were in the midst of an ongoing investigation when your folks leaked that stuff last time. Sad to say, until you change your government, we need to keep your at an arms length.

Man, I’d say they’re going to be horrified when they realize they’re responsible for the deaths of many of the people they forced to be born, but then I don’t think they care.

I didn't even really need to google this to be absolutely 100% sure of it, but fuck it, I did it anyways, so why not?