Amazon is known to be one of the shittiest employers, for their non-tech employees at least. I shudder to think of a world where they are the only business, selling us literally everything, which is where we are headed.
Amazon is known to be one of the shittiest employers, for their non-tech employees at least. I shudder to think of a world where they are the only business, selling us literally everything, which is where we are headed.
Can you imagine you’re a kid excited for a Disney vacation and your parents take you to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky instead just to spite the gays?
Um, wat? I haven’t seen her in years but what I have seen of her I remember thinking she was like a female Dane Cook. She’s awful.
Piece of shit
Does anyone else remember the photographer of the photo, Tyler Shields, from that God-awful reality show starring Clint Eastwood’s thirsty ex wife and their family? He was dating Clint Eastwood’s daughter and has always been just as much of a try-hard, talentless, attention seeking provocateur as he is now. Back then…
I was here a couple of days ago, waiting at the gate, when they came by shortly before boarding was supposed to begin and told us the flight had been moved to another concourse. We had to go through security again, which took forever and could have made us miss our flight if it had taken just a bit longer. I still…
He’s going to hate on the gay community, with that haircut? Ok...
Double-Agent Orange sure does look like he has dementia, that clip was disturbing on many levels.
A New York Magazine reporter tweeted that he’s confirmed with four people that the “significant person of interest” in question is Jared Kushner.
Roseanne is a huge supporter of Trump, btw. I’m going to be sad if that is brought into the new show.
I first read about this on Yahoo and the Trump cult followers commenting were just shocked, outraged, and disgusted... that people had started a gofundme for the man’s ex girlfriend who he’d abused, threatened to kill, and committed suicide in front of by lighting himself on fire. They literally could not even fathom…
He seems like the kind of dude who always talks about how he only ‘bangs tens’, in spite of the fact that he’s average looking at best, and calls every girl who won’t pay attention to him ‘fat’ in spite of being overweight himself. Sort of like our POTUS.
What about the billions you left dying in your sock this morning?
Of course his son has a man bun :/
If Trump Cult members really do make her the first female president I’m going to off myself
Kid Rock? You mean Future President Kid Rock.