
Thanks so much for sharing your horrible take.

Backronym muthafuckaz!


That mad-lib is a blast: "“Loud, unintelligible noise,” she said, and she smiled because she thought I’d heard her. Isn’t that sweet? What I was really thinking about was how lawn mowers work and how lawn mowers work and of course, touching her knees, but aren’t we all? She exists to be consumed: She’s the new A

While I have no doubt that Trump supporters and other assholes favor unlistenable shit, I doubt that its this particular brand of unlistenable shit.

Vegemite is fine you probably just ate it wrong. A little bit on a lot of toast with butter is great (although I grew up eating Vegemite and it's NZ equivalent Marmite, not to be confused with British Marmite which is quite different again). Lutefisk sounds unbelievable. I wonder if they offer it in Swedish Subway.

Yep, if this dude's in Australia it should be an option. We have some amazing options in NZ. Seafood Sensation, vege patty and pork riblet (which doesn't seem to be an option in Oz?), untoasted on wheat with "Old English" cheese. Top it off with carrot, olives, pickles, capsicum, and beetroot (i.e. pickled beets -

My 3 year old loves it, but he also loves shit like Paw Patrol. I've watched it and it's inoffensive enough and holds up OK compared to some of the crap I have to endure at the behest of my children (cf. Paw Patrol, Wiggles etc.), but also thought "who in their right mind would write a children's movie that revolves

I left for work by car when Littlefinger was still in bed, and when I got to work he was already there waiting for me, showered and dressed, and he had a bagel and a coffee waiting for me.

Thanks! Art is subjective (except for those rare artifacts which are objectively bad, like Nicholas Sparks books or those awful Epic Movie-type "parodies"), so this may or may not be accurate for you. It sure was for me. I loathe this music, and I generally love whiny indie what-have-you as long as it's done with a

A white man whining and bellowing tunelessly over amateurish acoustic guitar about his feelings speaks to lots of whiny white people who can't sing, play an instrument or do anything useful but fancy themselves as deep and artistic anyway because they have a therapist. That's a pretty big demographic, so i guess that

Counterpoint: You are missing nothing. Jeff Mangum sounds like an off-key, lobotomized John Flansburg being periodically electrocuted. Every single person involved in In the Aeroplane Over the Sea plays the organ at some point. Every esoteric, pointless instrument sounds like it is shitting the bed. Every song maxes

Someone should actually write a satire of this kind of anodyne garbage and call it "Sad People Who Are Privileged Enough Don’t Have To Work".

I am surprised no one has mentioned Dinner Rush yet.

Fucking House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. Wanted to read it for years. Got it for Christmas. Started reading it when my wife was heavily pregnant and her tossing and turning meant I wasn't getting much sleep. Got way to caught up in the creepy never ending and vaguely sentient house and the dude reading the doc and

"Out of my way, peck!"*

I think most people would prefer an actually funny comedian on a TV show. Iliza Shlesinger is about as funny as a child's funeral. You know who deserves a show? Maria Bamford.

Presumably either the headphones themselves or some kind of charging device which the headphones sit on or in are connected to a power source by a wire, or perhaps you are a wizard. Some things are different than others. My office chair has wheels but my other chairs don't?!?!! What a crazy world we live in.

That's even better, because there's something in it for the grownups as well: a nice pink cock and balls.

Firstly, the Aggrolites' Banana is I think we can all agree the king of Banana songs. Secondly, most of these shows are cartoons so we're really just talking shit like Sesame St which was fine until Elmo started to dominate. Big Bird was just like a normal kid.