Good Omens


This is something I never understood about New 52.

Got an aisle seat on a plane tomorrow, thank you!

Perfection. The VW mechanic’s uniform, the cardboard labeled cheat box and the commentary “Mr. Müller says it’s okay as long as no one finds out.”

“tell me the route is changing because of an incident or a faster one is found”

I hate that they both wait until I’m passing the destination to say turn right or left. I like they say follow signs on highway interchanges. I wish they would say next turn will be a left when on surface streets, most times for me a quarter mile isn’t enough distance to get in the proper lane.

There was some complaining from PDs about this feature. Not sure where that ended up, but I’d hate this feature to go away.

I don't even speed that much, I just want to be aware so I don't get a ticket for having crept up.

This is why Waze wins...

Plus Waze has Morgan Freeman as a voice option.

Smoking? Thats so Instagram... they vape.

Uh, not a U.S. Supreme Court judge. A New York state judge. New York state trial courts are called “Supreme Courts” (even though they are actually the lowest courts in NY, not the highest as you might think given the word “Supreme”).

yeah, harley really went to the henchmen or poison ivy for kicks. Far as i know they never got it on.

I remember for a while Lobo was the Deadpool of the DC Universe (I mean, aside from Deathstroke, who is the DC Deadpool in a more meta sense). They were both cut from the same cloth... initially presented as practical avatars of the grim and gritty 90's, then warped into parodies of that time period, and gradually

So Harley and Ivy hook up then? Was it done gratuitously or does it fit the characters?

Damn, I just started reading this series, and its freaking great. I love the way Harley is much more independent, but still absolutely insane (example: She makes a giant catapult just to fling dog shit miles away).

Really wish iOS had something like that, the Android setting for multiple volume selections is something I still miss. Fudging around with the ringer vs content volume is still annoying on iOS.

I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…