
If he remembers to call ahead, Jerry’s surprise face can be out of cold storage and ready in 90 minutes!

This guy is a disgrace, and should be cut so the Bills can pick him up.

crush Scout Walker’s skull with swinging logs.


—Whiny motherfuckers commenting on a free website

The ads will be approved. Period.

No wonder the Reds never made Joe Morgan the team captain.

Commissioner Rob Manfred has made it clear to all teams that should this kind of behavior continue, any offending parties will be exiled and sentenced to five years of hard labor in the gulag at Bud Light’s Whatever, USA.

Zapp Brannigan, still waiting for the Chicago Cubs to win a Blurnsball championship.

It’s a rare day when an Argentinian football player is the least assholish person in a picture.

Then it would’ve read “well, golly gee whillikers, guys, I just think that maybe the Cubs would’ve had a better shot if they’d been a little more humble, and by the way, A.I. was a great movie according to the Alien Terrible Opinion Leech that lives in my brain.”

Because some (most) people don’t have the flexibility to pick and choose employment to find a perfect fit. Sometimes a trans person needs to work at a shitty Wal-Mart to pay the bills and dammit, they don’t deserve crap from some shithead assistant manager who disagrees with their lifestyle.

I would argue you should join the reality-based community where they absolutely do.

I bet that “2015 SNF Runner-up” banner looks great.

i initially read that headline as

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Of course he was able to harass for such a long time; the light warning can take thousands of years to reach the earth.