I’ll agree with you that we shouldn’t immediately point fingers at CTE. But for a population that is much more affluent in comparison to their age- and race-matched peers, I would expect to see their rates as greatly reduced. So seeing it at similar levels as comparison groups is more of a red flag for me.
That article mentions self-harm once, and is written for a cardiology audience. The authors never mention the effects of socioeconomic status on suicide mortality, nor do they consider the healthy worker effect for any of the differences in mortality. If I reviewed this journal article, I would return it to them as…
Not to be the mansplainer, but actually the CDC does collect data on gun violence deaths. They have it in multiple forms, the main one being the WISQARS database, which is freely available for everyone to search:
Nitpicking: You misspelled Amanda Beard’s name under her photo.
Datalys is basically the NCAA’s in-house injury analyst, so their funding is just fine. One of the guys quoted in the paper (Kerr), is already on his way to a new job.
Jesus Christ Throws
So you went to Benet, did you?
When police asked to search his vehicle, he told the arresting officer “Look. Look in that place you dare not look. And you will see me...and probably some drugs.”
Any discussion of Liverpool-Norwich today? Game of the year candidate
I work at an urban University and I wonder this myself when we are covered by the city and county sheriff. But on the university police cars in tiny letters it says “State Police” (we are part of the state university system). So in this specific case, the university police are part of a greater, established force.
If kids don’t learn about a flying buttrress in schools, they’re going to lean about it on the streets or on the internet!
Yes it is he, but not as you know him
They repossessed the BMW because he’s out of work. Because at Eastern Motors (Motors) your job’s your credit (credit)
Oh god, is he the male Dunham? Because he is so boring.
The NCAA allows Fighting Illini to remain because Illini could also mean “person from Illinois.” The name of the original tribe was Illiniwick, so Fighting Illini isn’t even the direct name of the tribe.
I always thought it was Dave Coulier
Yeah, but why male modeling?