“Better now”?
Jennifer Lawrence disagrees. It gave her a massive ego. As well as an entire planet that revolves around her...
Sam Jackson was painting by numbers, as was Tarantino. No soup for you! Come back one year! Kurt Russel was the shit though. He carried that movie.
Despite the fact you’re living up to your name, I concur.
lmao that’s women to a tee!
And jokes, they always get jokes. Their senses of humour are second to none.
Snow first, nachos second. And third. Then beer, and then more nachos.
People make me dislike people.
Weak, Old, Manipulative, Attention-seeking Narcissist
We need a day off once in awhile. That’s why we have bench-warmers.
My favourite about women is their humility.
Yep. Throughout history, no man has done a thing.
I’m sure they didn’t spend all that time complaining about men and giving each other back-handed compliments.
Folding laundry while watching The View and drinking white wine?