
This is one of my favorite bookmarks from a few years ago. An Edmonton columnist was upset when Ron Hextall said that he wasn’t just going to have the Flyers tank for a bunch of years.

My suspicion is that, following protesting at City Hall, the arena was the closest high-visibility place to protest. Here we are talking about it on a sports blog — it’s a guarantee that, due to their decision to move the protest to the arena, more people (including those outside Sacremento!) are aware of the

21?! Three years in Edmonton, on that team, will age you like a mofo. He looks 35.

Just wait two years for when McDavid asks for a trade. Eichel’s almost totally broken in Buffalo, it won’t take much longer in Edmonton.

I’m not sure how to reconcile this with the fact that Edmonton, who incompetented their way into McDavid and whose asshole billionaire owner twisted the arm of a small city for an unnecessarily public funded arena, deserves everything bad that happens to them.

Oh Mother.

Sure but Yates was only in there because Tom Savage continued to play through two concussions in two games

DeShaun Watson may be the only person in America to have a worse back up than Donald Trump.

Damn, I dunno. I do this too, but I’m not gonna say I’ve censored myself every time I ever sang along with a rap song, in private. I was 15 once.


That’s right. It’s an issue of historical context and how that shapes the meaning of the words we use. That word coming from the mouth of a white person has an inherently different meaning than it does coming from a black person. That’s what linguists call the connotative meaning of a word; the meaning it acquires

Hot take (but also serious): Her response is more racist than the actual video.

It’s pretty stupid to sing this. It’s pretty stupid to record it and post it online. But as stupid as these kids were, I find it hard to believe that they’re malicious. I’ve never heard this song before, because I’ve crossed into Old Man territory, but these are, in fact, lyrics in the song. That doesn’t excuse it,

That’s the interesting thing about Fox News. Instead of several seconds of a politician speaking, they “tell” you what the politician said and repeat their point endlessly. An actual clip of a politician is rare, and so short that any context is lost.

Remember that time Michelle wore a sleeveless dress?

My father-in-law is a Trump fan, watches Fox News, etc. We were at their house during the 60 Minutes interview. Funny, he wasn’t very talkative. It’s probably the first time he’s seen the evidence or heard her speak without Fox spinning it.


“We didn’t think we elected St. Joseph” is exactly the sort of thing my conservative family were saying this weekend. The same people that stroked out when Barry O. wore a tan suit or put his feet on the desk. The delusional hypocrisy is eating my brain.

It’s such a textbook narcissist move. Listening to the way he responds to things like this—not just this instance, but all of the others, particularly the ones where we have his actual tweets or spoken words to look at, it’s not just lying, from the way he responds... it’s like every time a situation arises that makes

It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’