
Jesus died for all our sins, except for this one.

Because it’s Holy Week, I will forgive you.

Doing this for the Jays requires that he apologize for stealing those bases immediately after the game.

[raises comically large Bible over head]

Hitting that ball at that arc from that distance on a volley takes an insane amount of skill.

He may not be the youngest anymore, but with the goalkeeper this far in front of the goal, you might as well put a neon sign on top of it “Open for business”. Against players of his class and basically unopposed, that’s an open invitation. The moment the keeper was still outside the goal area when Zlatan had that

Coming to the MLS for some of these guys must feel like one of us adults playing with and against a bunch of children

I’m pretty sure that is blow and jagerbombs is 50% of Florida’s tourism strategy.

BREAKING: The bros have been traded to the Yankees for two mannequins and a dead guy wearing sunglasses to be named later.

I really can’t remember when a sports story made me smile this much. No snark or painful accounting puns here. This is absolutely fucking awesome. And those saves on Byfuglien and Stastny were no joke.

Because that end of the bench defenseman is going to play in the game as a defenseman. And they’d have to suspend the game for a while for him to strip down, put on the goalie pads and a different jersey. The emergency catcher just needs to strap on some pads.

Goalie is a highly-specific position. There’s not very much that translates from being a skating player to being a goalie. Any goalie with decent credentials (i.e. NCAA, juniors, etc.) is going to be 1000x better than strapping some pads on your 6th d-man.

Defense and goalie are two radically different positions in hockey. You’ve got the amount of equipment as well as the size and weight difference, the position’s necessary flexibility, the goalie helmet’s facemask cage versus the clear visor of a defenseman, etc. With this particular substitute he had played as a

he gave a performance that will go down in the quickbooks.

Real Guns, Virtual Guns, And Me<em></em>

Sometimes I imagine my brain is a collection of baskets that contain everything I know. There’s a basket for the

i think i get what you are saying....

Free speech is protection from government intrusion on what you say; that’s exactly why Spencer was allowed to speak at MSU.

Advocating for genocide isn’t free speech, it is hate speech, and it is not protected by the 1st amendment

when does radio die?