King Friday

Bunch of entitled white dudes doing illegal shit for money and getting away with it? Can’t imagine why that’s still popular.

Big Burrito sounds more like a females name, Ariana Grande. But thanks for taking an already annoyingly over-used sexist word and using it like.. a sexist. You should leave the commenting to adults and keep your attempts and snarkiness to your bus rides home from school.

If you work in business 90% of your job is finding new ways to cut corners. 

Is it a pumpkin? NOPE, SWEET POTATO!

Yes. Hilarious. My sides. They are splitting.

This happened to me as well, for the same reasons. At first, it triggered anxiety attacks: “unscheduled” bowel movements somehow transported me back to some childhood lack-of-control scenario. I had to deep breathe and relax my way into my new BM timetable.

yeah, you just sit there and it moves on out. If you’re sitting there straining then you need more fluid and fiber in your diet. I mostly eat real food with a lot of water, tea, and wine and I poop once when I wake up and once in the afternoon and then before bed. In college I would poop about half an hour after every

Same experience here. I was a 2-3 times a day guy.

Disagree for me personally. Now that I eat healthier, I eat approximately the same volume of food, but much less calorie dense food. What that means, of course, is that about half of 3/4 of my diet is fresh vegetables. Which means my fiber intake is higher. Which means that not only do I go more frequently, but the

It’s kind of like when you’re cooking up a big holiday dinner. By the time you all sit down to eat, you’re not even hungry anymore.

Correct title for article:

Man, 29, go for it - slowly. If she pulls back, wither in embarrassment, give her a ride home in complete silence and avoid her forever. Dating is fun you’ll enjoy yourself.

Poor Brosnan. Great Bond but bad movies.

Somewhere John Edwards stares sullenly into a beer.

You started both your posts for this article with “in fairness.” Good job being fair.

Wikipedia informs me that Norm MacDonald joined SNL in 1993, so that would have been the first time I saw him.

I hear she appropriated the look from Chola fashion.

My keyboard will be draining over the kitchen sink since that’s where I spit out my coffee about the eyebrows.  

WRONG! This crap has been filling my news feed lately, and it’s time to stop this viral nonsense. Here is an image from the original patent for the type of can opener in question:

This may be deeply wrong of me, but if I saw an untitled picture of those three, I’d probably have assumed that it involved something to do with tasering an unarmed black man.