
"The Mist’s eighth episode is basically Christmas with your elderly relatives, in that there is a lot to unpack here and absolutely none of it is good."
The reviews are hilarious but I'd rather nail my eyelids to my testicles before watching this pap.
A massive thanks to Vinnie for watching this so I don't have to.

It has the unfortunate quality of not being funny.

I find dream sequences to be a cop-out from good writing, and I think that there were three of them in this one episode.
Get your act together, writers!!

It isn't the way that the law works in England, which is why it got such poor reviews.

Having seen season 3 then I really enjoyed it up until the reveal in the finale, so without spoiling anything then please set your expectations to low.Maybe very low.

Oh yes. It was abysmally poor.

Thanks, Gepap.
That makes sense.

I'm vexed.
Why did Vulcan make Wednesday a sword in the first place when he had already betrayed him?
I still can't really understand his motivation for doing so.

The USA won't be able to officially withdraw until November 2020, which happens to coincide with the next election.
So there's not much that's going to happen between now and then.
States, companies and even the energy generators have had plans in place for years to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and are betting their

But it's just "stuff going on".
I think that sums up this show very succinctly, so thanks.

I'd say that out of all of the shows that I watch then "The Americans" never wastes any episodes with anything irrelevant.
That's one show where every single scene is crafted to perfection, even though you might not realise as you're watching it.
It pays attention to every tiny detail and so requires and deserves my

This was almost as bad as "The Following".
At least that show got rated here with D's and F's which this rubbish deserved too.
But sometimes it's nice to be able to switch off your brain and just watch the absurdities pile up in front of your eyes.
You know. Just to laugh at the sheer ineptitude of everyone involved.

Good point. Rain.

Almost as absurd as "The Following", but that's going to take some beating.

Well thanks for all the spoilers from people who've read the book.
Now please shut the fuck up.

Thanks to you both, Dezbot and Beef Supreme.

What was the "Explosion" that the hotel guy talked about at the end, just before Garvey Snr. arrived?
He couldn't have been referring to the smoke alarm in the hotel room, surely.
So did I miss something or are we meant to know what it is?

"Look, this is never going to be a particularly sophisticated show"
That's the understatement of the century.
It's puerile pap, but I need something like this to watch between tightly written dramas like The Americans, Shots Fired and Line of Duty.
It's not quite as bad as The Following but it's beginning to stoop that

Could be, but it doesn't make for very exciting viewing.
Unless the writers (and I loved the first two seasons) tie this hodge-podge together then I'm going to be very disappointed.
Your mileage may vary.

But don't all these stories have to knit together for you?
In the previous seasons then everyone's stories came together to provide some sort of conclusion, even if that conclusion wasn't neatly tied up in a bow.
But this season there's nothing to tie the furniture exec/wife/nanny story into the other stories, so why is