
right before the jump he overrides navigation control. If you blink you miss it. It says “Override Lorca.G Jump 133 Destination Unknown.”

So it was definitely Lorca.

Cue technobabble exposition sequence concluding that the only possible solution is to beam important members of the bridge crew aboard the Klingon vessel during its comically long decloaking sequence, rather than just shooting it or beaming aboard a very large explosive during the same sequence.

Journalism has gotten so bad, that the account I read of this had <i>Spacey</i> driving, while also managing to put his hands down below the waistband of the grown man in the passenger seat who was apparently helpless, and I guess Spacey kept his eyes on the road since he was driving.

His behavior is sickening, but I don’t think you have any reason to feel betrayed because you enjoyed his talented, charismatic performances.

this is beyond ridiculous. this is old news in hollywood. people knew about weinstein and spacey and others for years, some people built their entire careers with these people and it was just the status quo. for everyone to act like this is some gigantic secret and now say these people they’ve accused have damaged

While I get what you’re saying, I think Zack has a very good point here.

For better or worse, Star Trek: Discovery is part of a much larger franchise. And for the show to make constant references to Star Trek’s mythology while simultaneously ignoring or rewriting other parts of that mythology is hardly “seeing what

Michael saying sorry was beautifully played moment by Danson, somehow managing to sound sincere while repeating verbatim his sarcastic mock-apology. And I think he was as earnest, at least as much as the character can be, given that he’s motivated almost entirely by self-interest.

If I can provide a counterpoint...

I think that White Rose was at a supercollider at the beginning of the episode.

I haven’t read the comics and I’m bored out of my mind and other times I find it middlingly entertaining. Nothing like the first 2 episodes of this season. They now seem like another show altogether.