Hot Stepper

Currently that is one of its priorities, understood. Under Obama the opposite was true. So before we can do this we need to determine a way to reacquire and permanently hold executive power.

You don’t argue with Skinheads.  You punch them. 

Pretty sure I used this same idea when Obama was in office and all progressives agreed with the idea. It’s the logical conclusion of social justice and cop-hatred and if Hillary was in office it would be an article vs a comment.

Campaign finance violations are nice to have in your back pocket if somehow using a foreign enemy state to subvert our democracy isn’t enough. 

It was nice to see that one take off. The grievance studies trolls did a superb job with their experiments too.  There’s a lot more to do in this area.  Such fertile ground. 

Gonna bang this drum until it happens. Communities lack the social intellect to police themselves. All law enforcement is local, and that is the source of the problem here. Billy Bob and Timbo from the other side of the tracks are now cops with discretion to enforce or ignore. That eliminates any possibility of

I’ll say it. I honestly don’t care whether all these new ballots they found are fraudulent or not. Count ‘em. Ring ‘em up. Trump used The Kremlin to steal the presidential election.  Taking a few senate seats isn’t even a quarter of what is owed. 

Now playing

It’s a shame that is the top result when googling “Hot Stepper.” This should be:

I don’t think I was. He was very annoying, but almost in the dumbest ways possible. He was going on and on about the differences in starch and sugar content between the two, how the higher starch content in plantains meant they needed to be cooked, unlike bananas which had a higher sugar content, lower starch, and

I really don’t think so. The authors here have a certain, how do you say, a certain je ne sais quoi. He lacks that certain something that makes anything worthwhile.

I guess I have a much lower opinion of him than you do.  From what I gather, he is a legitimate moron.  I played his game once, responding to him in the vein I thought he was seeking.  He started talking about the difference between bananas and plantains.  The guy’s an idiot and probably a psychopath. 

Guns are for those that have little to know command of the English language. Disagreements, especially violent ones, are often caused by misunderstandings derived from miscommunications. With no ability to iron that wrinkle out, a tear appears and the fabric of the dialogue is ruined, and the downward spiral begins.

Me either. I’d say, though, that he isn’t masterful or even adept, really. He is an idiot, the sort of pure idiot you don’t just happen upon. Anymore, anyway. I imagine he uses an Etch-A-Sketch.

I hope a tornado runs you over.

Just realized you are from Mississippi. Your opinions are therefore irrelevant and have been placed in the trash. The South will never rise again, so help me God. I will make god damn sure of that if it’s the last thing I do.

Flying fish - Exocoetidae - exist.  That doesn’t mean all fish can fly. 

Twitter only allows 140 characters.  Nice try.

Incorrect. CNN is strong, and their anchors brave. They are not worried about what Trump might say about them. They are worried about the direction of this country. Stand with us.

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