Hot Stepper

Slimy bastard. Still, he full well understands the implications of firing Sessions. Ultimately it means Trump will be impeached. Remember, Lindsey is a John McCain Republican and John McCain Republicans hate Trump. All politics is deception and this is just more of it. He wants Trump in this trap just as we do but for

White people start losing dominance in team sports... invent X Games.

Not a Latrice fan.  Anyone but Latrice. 

Israel is our greatest ally.

Maybe not, but he was killed by a cop-like mentality.  And that’s all that matters here.

I don’t disagree with anything you state here, I would just highlight that I’m speaking of the end state and ambivalent as to how we get there. It could be a bit messy, or the militias can give up their weapons and right to promote hate speech on the internet. I doubt they will, hence my earlier mention of the chaotic

I’ll add Tamir, but Mike Brown was a good man and a staple of that community. 

Please read again because this is very important and you did not grasp the concept.

Don’t fall for the Gillibrand scheme. Her father is deeply involved with NXIVM and should this be ignored until her nomination - which is the plan - it will make her immediately unelectable and Trump will win again easily.

What sort of demoralizing subversion is this?

The federal task force will not enforce local laws. Localities can do this themselves. That said, local task forces should be clearly distinguishable in their level of authority from the federal force. Local forces should not brandish firearms, for example. They should be similar to the police in the UK.

Yes they certainly would. State’s rights is an old idea built for different, less modern times. Same is true of the first and second amendments. Look at Europe, they have none of those rights and are doing much better than we are at the moment.

Rightwing extremism is no joke, and they are militant. It stands to reason that our federal task force will need to be military in nature. It’s not the guy on the street that will be the problem, small time burglars or petty thieves.  It’s the militias that are already on standby waiting to pounce.  The risk is that

This guy is going to fire Mueller and squash his report. Sounds bad, but it’s not. Once he does this we can impeach Trump and Pence.   President Pelosi?  Weirder things have happened.

The police should be a federal task force reporting directly to the executive office. Admittedly this would be concerning under Trump, but he’s an aberration. Enforce laws from the federal level, report in to the DNI, and - this might be the most important part - no federal officer is allowed to enforce laws on the

A good question really. Democracy, liberty, life itself has always been pretty chaotic. Considering this whole thing started with the Big Bang that kinda makes sense. So I think what we first need to do is recognize that authority as we know it today isn’t what it should be, and we should remove that authority

Cops have been terrorizing and murdering people since well before Trump was elected. Trayvon, Mike Brown, etc etc. That’s not to say that WN folks don’t share some blame here in 2018 but the problem is a little deeper than that. The idea of a police force in and of itself is a pretty archaic one that needs to be

Oh my fault.  I thought everyone was from the Northeast.  Nice day up here.  Pretty crisp.  Fall crisp, not winter crisp. 

Snow?  Uhhh, what?  It’s not snowing today.

Yep, this is a huge win, and not just because it means that Sessions is gone. Now that Trump will be an active participant in the Mueller investigation his odds of being impeached just shot up to around 85%. Maybe a touch higher.