
I realized exactly this last year. I had a terrible cough that lasted for about nine months. No one could figure out what was wrong with me, so I had to see several different doctors and specialists. Every. Single. One. said something along the lines of, "Now don't do any cardio until we figure out what's going on.

Thank you!

Yeah, if I was anything like my Barbies, I would have already had a lot of threesomes, and I would constantly have to save my boyfriend, Tarzan, from abduction.

Oh I absolutely agree! But somehow, I don't see the makers of the show (or the bachelor) liking it if the dude he proposes to is like, "Actually, I think I'm going to call that guy you eliminated two episodes ago. Turns out I'm in love with him."

*Sigh* It was the best dating show I have ever seen.

Well... I don't think a queer bachelor would work. At least in it's current model, where all the contestants are smooshed in together. What breeds entertaining fights between straight contestants would just breed a lot of hooking up. So the main hot guy isn't paying attention to you? Guess you will just have to get

I really liked it too...

I decided a long time ago that my dream man is fox Robin Hood's personality and voice

I think it's because he said she was just starting to grow up, which makes extra creepy that he recognized that.

Plus she kept saying "This is why I don't want a boyfriend!" So it seems like they weren't even exclusive.

Wait, wait, have you ever been to Mcfadden's? It is the worst place in the world.

Ahahahaha! Omigod she should never tell anyone that. My favorite night at Rhino was when I witnessed a naked drunk girl taking a shit because one of the stall doors was broken in the bathroom.

Mmm. Yes exactly.

Which ones? What are the "plenty of adult films that feature excellent storytelling, animation, and musical numbers" that you speak of?

That is a really good point! I assume there is straight porn I would enjoy, but I have no idea how to find it. And also probably part of why gay/lesbian porn isn't discussed the way straight porn is. There is less of it.

On one hand, I assume most media isn't discussing porn's effect on queer people because duh heterosexism (i.e. forgot we exist, still feel uncomfortable actually thinking about the sex we have, don't have the tools/knowledge to complicate the gender binary). But in my own personal viewership, I really have found gay

When I have had BFs on Valentine's day I usually bought them candy, books, or man panties I wanted to see him in.

My ex-boyfriend's little sister created a facebook she wasn't allowed to have and used my picture. She's 6 years younger, so she was about 13 and I was 20 when she did this. It was suuuuper awkward and their parents made her apologize to me.

Yep, that's how I feel too! But guys are just soooo weird about it!

Hue tights at Macy's! Kind of expensive, but not itchy at all.