Hotdogs? Are you 12? In Chicago we publicly shame adults who put Kathy on a hotdog
Hotdogs? Are you 12? In Chicago we publicly shame adults who put Kathy on a hotdog
But they all only show one punch
I’d give the same odds on Ned Stark winning the Iron Throne
Not sure about everywhere else but at ohare airport prebate businesses have extremely high leases compared to the same size spaces outside of the airport. I know because I worked as a restaurant manager for a lady who operated a much larger restaurant outside the airport for way less than the one she owned inside and…
I clicked on your star to recommend and it deleted your other stars
Too late I already did it
If you 12 yrs older than him then I am 6 yrs older than you and I thought it was funny
Well you didnt get food poisoning there it takes 12 to 24 hours to fuck you up not immediately
I’m 5' 8" with size 12 take 2 steps at a time it has more to do with taking less steps than height or or show size for me
According to the show Tywin told Cersie the well ran dry years ago. In the books there is still gold though.
If your girlfriend wants to have sex with other women you have every right to also have sex with other women*
How many times have you sent this story here that’s the second time I’ve read it on deadspin
Except Brady is not the GOAT he’s a system qb and that system happens to be how can we cheat this time without getting caught again
That’ll never happen he’s Canadian
Making jokes is fine but how bout you actually make one instead of the same tired bullshit that’s been done for the last 3 years
Toews didn’t earn it tho year but Panarin Anisimov and Hossa did. What every Blackhawk fan actually thinks and says. Source Blackhawks fan living in Chicago. Go fuck yourself
I just went back and read the first story about him the day before the draft and a commenter jokingly put that the cowboys would take him at 27 and they took him
In 8th grade me and another friend would go to this girls house and piss in her shampoo and conditioner bottles that were in the showerWe would then make fun of them at school for smelling like piss my friend married one of the girls a couple years ago they almost called off the wedding when I drunkenly told her what…
Bears fans hope he’s not in a bears uniform also
Anybody who isn’t going to be broken after week 1 if he could make it that far