
Isn’t this what white people (she is Armenian I think) with privilege are supposed to do? Try to get justice and make things right?

Just because I’ve never experienced something doesn’t mean I don’t understand it. I get the premise of loyalty to a barber who knows how to cut your hair right. Do I get every joke in every episode? No, but I often come away with a better understanding of black culture than when I started.

(White guy Atlanta stan here) It’s REALLY GODDAMN GOOD, THO. The last episode was some of the most gripping work I’ve ever seen in or out of a movie theater. Beautifully shot too

Seinfeld was not the same as Atlanta, not even close, and Insecure is something different altogether.

I’ve always thought Denzel deserved an oscar for Malcolm X. I think he may have gotten one for Training Day which seemed like an attempt to make up for not receiving one for Malcolm X.

There’s a difference between being right and principled, though? A person can have the moral high ground, but if having the moral high ground and never compromising (never making the pragmatic decision) hurts people, I wouldn’t call it the right call. Maybe I say that became I tend to be more pragmatic, but when I

“But if you strip away the conquest and genocide, wasn’t he basically right?” is probably the point at which you should think about just walking away from the conversation.

It’s almost as if there’s a middle ground between bending over and taking it or murdering people.

Except his plan boiled down to overthrowing all the governments of the world, ruling as a tyrant, and doing unto the former oppressors what was done to him. He even flat out said he would kill their children.

He wasn’t wanting to open Wakanda to diplomacy and trading. He was wanting to use Wakandan tech to start violent revolutions around the world.

He’s still wrong tho.

Because there’s only one way to bring children up ‘right’ and the only way to view the past is through today’s woke lens? Give me a break. When the original commenter referenced ‘people who were brought up right” s/he clearly didn’t mean “people who were brought up with an awareness of racial issues that we recognize

From what I’ve heard race is not really relevant in the first book, maybe in subsequent books? I don’t know. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)