
Is it possible to separate a personal attack versus a valid criticism when the paradigm they’re working in focuses solely on their personal, unchangeable attributes? I think relegating a character’s portrayal to only those who check certain boxes is a spiral that will do nothing but waste people’s time, dilute

Can you help me understand why white privilege was the hero who set this woman free?

How does a film like Crash winning Best Picture fit in with your theory then? That directly spotlighted at racism and prejudice in contemporary America.

She’s probably the most versatile actress out there right now— I would love this.

This is awesome news. I love how business and creative choices surrounding a film can manifest themes within it. It’s a beautiful thang.

Aren’t the problematic behaviors of the characters intended to show the breakdown of society? I feel like taking them at face value rather than in context misses the point of them being present.

Confederate would in no way focus on an ideal that is still worshipped today. Legalized slavery and social injustice are not and never will be the same thing. Conflating them is where this mess of a tired, backwards logic begins.

You can’t come for my fantasy or anyone else’s.

An important point being overlooked in Bran influencing or meddling with the course of history given the Hodor origin is how his greensight was actually used— he was warging into Hodor past and present at the same time, both in physical proximity. We’ve always known there was a special element to Hodor in his ability

Trying to fit the Hodor origin plot line into “meddling with time” is exactly that.... Trying. Categorically Bran has not time traveled and altered history because this is history, this is the only life Hodor lived. It isn’t plot convenience or narrative trend, given Hodor being a part of the story since the early