Some paltry defenses from a lifelong fan:
Some paltry defenses from a lifelong fan:
Im still trying to figure out what was funny about it considering that nothing really ain't going to happen and he really is going to win again. They pointed out the obvious is all they did and labeled it comedy. What is funny is watching the left try so hard just to fail lol.
Not an endorsement though, all the Wachowski’s movies have been ambitious whether they have been good is a different matter entirely.
I’m sort of bewildered that SNL felt like they just had to hire this guy. The show just couldn’t go on without... whatever his name is. Fat guy #65,596,495. What would the world do without hearing his thoughts about Chinese food?
Yeah at the risk of have left leaning card revoked (or should that be Licensed to Killed?), I don’t see what’s so wrong with keeping James Bond be the arrogant white post WWII influenced male that Fleming created.
I kind of feel like when people say they want a “female Bond”, what they really mean is they want a “female badass super-spy”. Because while I’m totally down for the latter, ultimately James Bond is such an avatar of male privilege that making him a woman is changing the character in such a fundamental way that,…
So some people seem to have no idea how movies work in general or how these movies work. Disney did not make Homecoming or Far From Home. It did not hire the director, cast, or crew and did not pay their paychecks. Feige consulted creatively, made sure everything fit with the MCU and that’s that. Every studio…
I never really liked the whole “only actors who are exactly similar to some fictional role” should be cast thing. It is different if it is a biopic based on a real person (and even that is debatable), but it is a remarkable stretch to get all worked up over some fictional property. The entire job description of actor…
We can go on and on about comedy provocations, what should and shouldn’t be joked about in 2019, and just how these issues should be addressed. But, still, one thing is for certain in 2020: the Dems are gonna blow it.
I hate to be this guy (wait, no i dont)... but if something isnt funny to you, it doesnt mean it isnt funny at all. Laughs are the measurement by which we judge comedy..... meaning sticks and stones is a slam dunk. I am truly sorry that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what comedy is.
I mean for real, like what is AV Club gonna say when the Boondocks comes back on air? That show had episode where MLK drops the N bomb, and it was kinda a controversy then, but now with social media who knows? Chappelle said other thought provoking things in all his specials but all people want to point out is what…
People are mad because he can’t be “canceled”. If he had a show or movie coming out people would be starting a boycott. I thought the whole special was funny. People want it both ways, its cool to make fun of people you don’t like or agree with , but if its something you support or hits close home to them, then its…
you mean back in the golden days, when he did his “how old is 14 really” bit about r. kelly’s victims?
“Haven’t seen this special yet”
this thread is like louis ck, in that it is full of people jerking themselves off
i agree. but i wasn’t doing that. i was laughing at jokes.
You misspelled "greatest working stand-up of his generation"...
i disagree. humor can be used all kinds of ways.
aw, why’d you go and say that?
You are 100% correct. Men go to strip clubs all the time looking at women they will never get to sleep with. That does not prevent them from going.